About Us
The Health Promotion Service forms part of the Population and Community Health Directorate in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.
We deliver a range of local and state-wide programs and initiatives aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of our community. Our focus areas include smoking cessation, healthy eating, physical activity, falls prevention and creating healthy places and spaces.
Our role is to empower people to have more control over their health by partnering to deliver evidence-informed behaviour change interventions, influence environments and social factors, and promote healthy lifestyles. We do this by:
- collaborating with health professionals, communities, local government, and non-government organisations to integrate health promotion into their work
- informing people about what they can do to stay healthy, and incorporating these messages and actions into existing programs and services
- developing skills to improve health literacy and promote behaviours that support healthy lifestyles
- addressing conditions in the community that influence health and wellbeing the most, and foster health-supporting environments
- strengthening community led action.
Health Promotion Service Plans and Reports
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Health Promotion Service Snapshot 2020-2021