CIMT and COVID-19 Considerations
Due to the highly transmissible nature of all COVID variants, we will be taking a number of measures to reduce everyone’s risk of transmission during the CIMT program.
In line with current NSW Health Guidelines, you will need to complete door screening processes before entering our hospitals and follow all instructions about mask wearing and physical distancing.
You will notice that all staff and students will wear masks and goggles throughout the program.
We ask that you maintain a physical distance of 1.5m away from other participants throughout the program. Whilst we will all be in a room together, you will have your own workspace and the students will also do their best to maintain a physical distance.
We will ask you to clean your hands before entering and on leaving the room. The majority of the items you will use during the program will be single patient use, however if there are shared resources, these will be thoroughly cleaned between use.
We ask that if you need to take a break to eat or drink, you leave the room, and if the weather allows, go outside to eat and drink. We will have access to a covered outdoor area where you will be able to take a break if it is raining.
If you become unwell at any point during the program, we kindly ask that you contact us and do not enter the hospital. We will be able to facilitate telehealth sessions if you have the internet at home so that you can continue the program from there.
If you have any concerns with any of the measures above, please feel free to contact us.