Emma Devlin
Nurse Unit Manager, Cardiology Unit
Prince of Wales Hospital
I manage a 26-bed acute cardiology unit with around 40 nursing staff. What matters most to me is that our patients are well-cared for and kept safe; and we have staff that care and are happy. If I can help facilitate and create that environment, then I think we’re winning.
I never planned to get into nursing; I had visions of becoming a PE teacher when I finished school. I didn’t get the marks, so I thought I’d do nursing for 12 months and transfer. On my first clinical placement I looked after a lady who had a hip replacement. I absolutely loved it. I thought no, I’m going to stick with this, and the rest is history.
I love the fact that every day I come into work I am challenged with something different. No day in 3 North is ever the same. Some days you can have your usual routine and then out of the blue things can change in a heartbeat.”