Libby Powell
Manager, Healthy People Healthy Places, Health Promotion Service
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
“I manage a team of health promotion officers who design, deliver and evaluate community-based health promotion programs and initiatives to reduce health inequities in our District.
One initiative is the Communities at the Centre project in South Maroubra. It’s a collective of key partners, including Randwick Council, FACS Housing, the Central & Eastern Sydney Public Health Network (PHN) and the Deli Women & Children’s Service. Together we empower community members to address what matters to them, which is crucial to reducing inequities. A focus on wellness not illness is also a key. We keep the communities at the Centre by listening deeply to their needs and ensure the services and activities are community-driven.
I feel like I’ve gone full circle in my career. I graduated back in the early 1990’s, my first job was doing similar work in areas of disadvantage in Greater Manchester, UK. It’s definitely where my heart is. Making a difference to people’s lives.”