Free Urgent Care is now available in Caringbah
Are there times when you or those you care for need medical help fast? Health services providing free urgent care are now available in Caringbah.
Urgent care is for health issues that are not life-threatening but need fast medical attention. When it’s not an emergency but you can’t wait for your GP or another doctor’s appointment. Urgent care gives you the treatment you need quickly, without waiting in an emergency department.
Urgent care is free for Medicare card holders and community-based asylum seekers.
To get urgent care at the Caringbah service, first call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (for language support, call TIS on 131 450
and ask for Healthdirect). A nurse will answer your call, ask some questions, and connect you with the right care in the right place for your health needs. The Healthdirect nurse
- Connect you with a health expert by phone or video call.
- Book you an appointment at the Caringbah service between 8am to 8pm, every day.
- Connect you with other appropriate, locally available health care, including your usual GP or doctor.
- Call you an ambulance or direct you to the nearest emergency department if your situation is an emergency.
If you need hearing or speech support, visit the National Relay Service website at Choose a relay method that works for you and ask for
In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000). For further information, visit