Kirketon Road Centre "fearless" on the streets for Mardi Gras 2019
For 32 years Kirketon Road Centre (KRC) has been part of the evolving health response to the health needs of LGBTQI communities, providing free and confidential health and social care to vulnerable populations within South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.
To celebrate this commitment, 45 KRC staff and service users marched through the streets to showcase the theme of this year's annual Mardi Gras Parade: Fearless.
Dr Phillip Read, Director, KRC said each of the KRC parade participants displayed the names of people who have been fearless advocates for LGBTI health, needle and syringe services, and the expansion of testing and treatments for HIV, STIs and hepatitis C.
"KRC is so very proud to bring honour to these individuals, to express gratitude and to celebrate their contributions. We remind ourselves of the necessity to continue to expand upon the extraordinary contributions already made – and to do so fearlessly," Dr Read said.
Christine Kerr, Counsellor, KRC, said: "Some of these advocates have worked internationally and some have worked in our local communities however they have all struggled to overturn inadequate or discriminatory barriers to health care.
"They rallied support and overcame multiple barriers to ensure the opening of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, they fought tirelessly for social justice, and they are often the unsung local heroes without whom many services simply would not exist."