Meet Katy Hunt: Clinical Midwife Consultant, Lactation Services, Royal Hospital for Women

Tell us what you do for SESLHD:
It is my job to make sure that ten steps to successful breastfeeding are integrated into the facility. This includes policy, education and patient information.

I also consult directly to women and mothers with breastfeeding challenges as a complement to doctors and midwives.
What’s the bit that makes you happy to come to work?

I am excited to come to work every day. It is an absolute privilege to witness women and their families become parents.

I get to witness those intimate interactions between parents and their babies because of my unique role.

Imagine you’ve left. What would you like colleagues to remember about you?
I don’t know who said it: when you walk into a woman’s room/home or their personal space, your body and interaction should say “there you are”, not “here I am”. If people forget my name then I have done my job.

Are you planning any holidays, or have you ventured anywhere recently?
I get travel sickness!! But I would like to do the Camino trail. Maybe 2025 when I am 50!
What books are on your bedside table or what are you binge-watching?

Books by Sara J Maas (werewolves, angels, political injustice etc).

Katy Hunt