Prince of Wales geriatrician brings Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds to real life
In an Australian first, a team of researchers inspired by the ABC show Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds is creating an intergenerational study to help improve the health of older Australians and young children.
Dr Stephanie Ward, Geriatrician, Prince of Wales Hospital – in her role as a Senior Research Fellow at UNSW – is part of the study team, following her stint as one of the specialists on the show.
This project includes scientists, psychologists and geriatricians from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and UNSW Sydney, as well as an aged care organisation and a preschool located in Coogee.
“Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds gave insight into how intergenerational programs that connect the young and old provides significant benefits to participants,” Dr Ward said.
“More specifically, early research indicates these programs could lead to better physical health and cognition among older Australians, and better interpersonal skills among children – and so a key aim of our new study is to investigate how best to set up sustainable intergenerational initiatives.
“As a first step, we are conducting a public survey to find out what people think about running these programs in our community. I would like to encourage SESLHD staff to have their say, and also pass on the short survey link to others who have an association with young children or older adults – including parents, carers and teachers – or even send it to people who are an older adult themselves.
“The results will help us to learn more about community interest and requirements, such as the type of support that may be needed for older Australians to participate in these kinds of programs,” Dr Ward said.
The questionnaire will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete, and to participate, you need to be over 18 years of age and resident in Australia.
Image supplied by the ABC and Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds.