SESLHD accepts the Nightingale Challenge in 2020
The Nightingale Challenge asks every health employer around the world to provide leadership, development, support and education for emerging nursing and midwifery leaders under the age of 35 – and South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is taking up the challenge.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, in honour of the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale. As part of the celebrations, WHO, in partnership with Nursing Now, launched the Nightingale Challenge.
This challenge provides an exciting opportunity to develop young nurses and midwives into the next generation of leaders.
Kim Olesen, Director, Nursing and Midwifery said: “I encourage all our nursing and midwifery staff to take up the Nightingale Challenge. If you are a nurse or midwife under the age of 35, you will be part of a local and world-wide community developing your leadership skills."
“For our more experienced staff, we invite you to join the challenge through mentoring your younger colleagues.”
SESLHD is committed to supporting at least 100 nurses and midwives to engage in leadership development programs in 2020. These can be short programs or longer depending on the needs of each participant. Throughout the year specific events will be organised to support the challenge such as forums, roadshows and webinars.