Sutherland Hospital Showcase celebrates person-centred workplace cultures & care
Over the past 18 months, units from Sutherland Hospital have been invited to share projects from the Person-Centred Care Program (PeeP).
PeeP is a quality improvement and workplace culture evaluation framework implemented in partnership by the Nursing and Midwifery Practice and Workforce Unit and the Executive and Ward Leadership teams at Sutherland Hospital.
PeeP’s primary purpose is to engage teams in a process of developing person-centred workplace cultures, in which they are able to prioritise patient care and quality and safety.
Fifty projects were entered, and a prize ceremony was held on Thursday, 7 November to recognise winners in five different categories. The entrants created posters and information about their projects that were displayed in the atrium of the hospital.
Kim Olesen, Director, Nursing and Midwifery, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, said she was impressed by the quality of the initiatives.
“It is reassuring to observe that patients and families who come to Sutherland Hospital are treated by nurses and midwives who are dedicated to person-centred, safe quality care.
“It’s evident those involved in the projects were able to build their leadership and workforce capabilities by utilising practice development and change management skills.
“Thank you to all of the teams who implemented a PeeP project. Your commitment and dedication to improving and enhancing person-centred care is appreciated,” Ms Olesen said.
The awards were presented by Kim Olesen, Valerie Jovanovic, General Manager, Sutherland Hospital, Jan Heiler, Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Sutherland Hospital, Rebecca Moore, Midwifery and Nursing Manager, Women's and Children's Health, Sutherland Hospital and Debbie Woods, Consumer Representative, Sutherland Hospital.
The PeeP showcase will be held again in 2020. For more information, please contact Rebecca Moore, Katrina Eisenhauer or Louise Connolly.
The 2019 winners are:
The Collaborative Team Award (demonstrates exemplary team engagement)
Winner: Yarrabee/CCU - PeeP Initiatives
People’s Choice Award (most popular entry in the nursing and midwifery showcase)
Winner: Cooinda - Eco-friendly Pharmaceutical Waste bin
Compassionate Care Award (demonstrates a focus and commitment for putting the patient at the centre of all that they do)
Winner: Barkala - We Care for People, Not Bed Numbers
Innovation Award (demonstrates a new way of approaching care bringing nursing and midwifery into the future)
Winner: Elham Almasi & Meagan Sellar -
Sutherland Hospital Falls Prevention & Management Porta
Wellbeing Award (demonstrates a commitment to the wellbeing of staff, patients and their families)
Winner: Critical Care Medicine - Growing Strong in Critical Care Medicine