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Palliative Care

AHU Artwork element 4At South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, we understand that there are times when people need extra support. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, end of life planning can be especially challenging. 

Aboriginal Palliative Care Coordinator

Our Aboriginal Palliative Care Coordinator provides services for Aboriginal patients, support for family across all SESLHD hospitals. Other key parts of this role are to raises awareness of palliative care among the Aboriginal community and provide support and education to staff about the importance and complexities of Sorry Business.

Our Aboriginal Palliative Care Coordinator can be contacted Monday - Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm on 0434 565 833

Palliative Care at Prince of Wales Hospital.

The aim of our Palliative Care team at Prince of Wales Hospital is to improve your quality of life while you face problems associated with your life-limiting illness. We aim to prevent and relieve your suffering by carefully treating your pain and other problems, be it physical, psychosocial and spiritual.

Find more information about Palliative Care at Prince of Wales Hospital here or phone (02) 9382 5108


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