Palliative Care Research and Innovation

We combine innovation, practicality and compassion to advance research in palliative care to improve the care of our seriously ill patients and their caregivers. 

Our collaboration with multidisciplinary experts and organisations enhances our ability to conduct world-class research to provide high-quality, evidence-based end of life care to our community.  

Our research goals are to: 

  • Lead a research culture within our District 

  • Foster strong research partnerships and collaborations 

  • Support the research endeavours of our staff to generate new knowledge in Palliative Care 

External collaborations 

We offer opportunities for collaboration with our medical and academic institution partners. Our partnerships and projects are at the forefront of developing evidence-based palliative care resources, health service evaluation, treatments and care for the terminally ill. 

Our team is committed to working collaboratively with researchers, palliative care and aged care services, and consumer organisations to improve care for those who are ageing, caring, dying, and grieving.  

Find out more 

To find out more, contact (Insert Palliative Care email address when established)  

Our research areas:

Graphic of person, hospital and home
Palliative care across the healthcare system
Graphic of a group of people
Grief and bereavement across the community
Graphic of laptop computer
Big data analytics in palliative care