Policies & Publications: Critical Care and Emergency Medicine

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Acute Spinal Cord Injury of the Adult – Management and Referral Procedure SESLHDPR/291
Alteplase (Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator) in Adult Acute Ischaemic Stroke – Management of SESLHDPR/236
Assessment and Management of Acute Adult Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department (ED) and Trauma wards using the Abbreviated – Westmead Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (A-WPTAS) and Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (PTA) SESLHDPR/737
Assessment and Management of Headaches in Adults within SESLHD Emergency Departments SESLHDGL/060
Assessment and management of hypertension in ADULTS in the inpatient ward setting SESLHDGL/068
Cervical Spine Management in the Emergency Department (ED) SESLHDGL/102
Clinical Pathway Guideline SESLHDGL/037
Critical Care Bed Management SESLHDPR/228
Framework for Emergency Nurse Protocols and Standing Orders SESLHDPR/369
Influenza – Critical Care Escalation and Management SESLHDPR/270
Lumbar Puncture - Adult SESLHDPR/613
Management of Patients Suspected of Concealing Drugs Internally transferred to St George and Prince of Wales Hospital by the Australian Federal Police Force from Customs SESLHDPR/361
Management of the Deteriorating ADULT inpatient (excluding maternity) SESLHDPR/697
Organ Tissue Donation following Neurological Determination of Death SESLHDPR/231
Reducing Cardiothoracic Surgical Site Infections through use of a Cardiothoracic Surgical Site Infection Care Bundle Guideline

Shared Care for adult patients admitted through the Emergency Department (not including acute Mental Health patients) SESLHDPR/206
Sickle Cell Crisis - Management of Patients Presenting in Sickle Cell Crisis SESLHDPR/609
St George Hospital Trauma Hotline Use and Referral SESLHDPR/381
Storage of ED Management Plans SESLHDPR/709
Tracheostomy Clinical Management Procedures for Adult Inpatients SESLHDPR/298 
Volunteers in the Emergency Department SESLHDPD/264
Wound - Assessment and Management

Wound - Graduated Compression Therapy (GCT) in Venous Disease SESLHDPR/398