Policies & Publications: Women and Babies Health

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO): Health Staff Responsibilities SESLHDPD/309
Assisted Vaginal Birth SESLHDGL/050
Birth Alerts - At Risk Unborn Babies SESLHDPR/373
Blood Borne Virus Testing SESLHDPD/330
Breastfeeding - Modified Latch Assessment Tool for babies admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Nursery SESLHDPR/667
Breastfeeding Women: Support In Non-Maternity Facilities In SESLHD SESLHDPD/251
Care of Infant Feeding Equipment within SESLHD facilities SESLHDGL/063
Clinical Pathway Guideline SESLHDGL/037
Co-location of Children and Adults in SESLHD Facilities SESLHDPR/286
Credentialing in Obstetric and Gynaecology Procedures for Junior Medical Officers and overseas Fellows SESLHDPR/399
Death - Management of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy SESLHDPR/634
Diabetes - Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) SESLHDGL/117
Diabetes - Management of Pre-Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy SESLHDGL/116
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccination for Ante/Postnatal Women SESLHDPD/279
Domperidone for treatment of low breastmilk supply SESLHDPD/287
Expression and Safe Management of Expressed Breast Milk SESLHDGL/081
Management of the deteriorating MATERNITY woman SESLHDPR/705
Management of the Deteriorating NEONATAL Inpatient SESLHDPR/340
Mastitis (Lactational) Treatment SESLHDPR/352
Maternity Services Clinical Escalation Policy SESLHDPD/273
Maternity-Clinical Advice Provision and Completion of Telephone Enquiry Record SESLHDPR/295
Nursing and Midwifery Registration SESLHDPD/030
Observation of the neonate following instrumental delivery SESLHDPR/414
Paediatric (greater than one year) Pain Protocol for use in Post Anaesthetic Care Units (PACU) SESLHDPR/612
Paediatric Policies - Use in SESLHD SESLHDGL/064
Preparation and Safe Use of Infant Formula SESLHDGL/085
Pressure injury screening, prevention and management in maternity services SESLHDPR/740
Referral to the Coroner in Maternity Services SESLHDGL/114
Rooming In For Healthy Babies SESLHDPD/158
Smoking Cessation Brief Intervention in Maternity Services SESLHDPR/632
Support for Breastfeeding Employees in SESLHD SESLHDPR/413
Time Critical Transfers of women at 23+0 - 25+6 weeks gestation within Tiered Perinatal Network (SESLHD and ISLHD)

Women who choose to refuse recommended monitoring and treatment in Maternity Services in SESLHD SESLHDPR/482
Wound - Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) SESLHDPR/205