Roslyn Millar
Clinical Nurse Consultant - Coordinator of the Geriatric Flying Squad
Uniting War Memorial Hospital
“We go into older people’s homes and put in plans to help them stay at home for as long as they can. It is about hospital and residential care avoidance.
I love the people I work with. I think they’re incredible. They challenge me every day. We have fabulous conversations from how to manage our difficult clients through to major ethical questions. Everyone is really good at sharing their expertise and teaching other members of the team. Our clients and their stories are fascinating. I enjoy trying to figure out what makes them tick.
I’ll always remember a lady who lived in a unit, and she shared it with an alien in her cupboard who lived on buttermilk scones. She was quite convinced that this alien existed, even to the point where she’d drawn pictures of it and described it perfectly. We had her assessed by one of our experts and they could find nothing wrong with her, other than her fixation. Where did the delusion come from? What started that? I just find it so intriguing.”