Nightingale Challenge

About the Challenge

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared 2020 as the year of the Nurse and Midwife to celebrate the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale. To honour this inspirational leader, Nursing Now in partnership with the World Health Organization has launched the Nightingale Challenge.

The purpose of The Nightingale Challenge is to develop the next generation of nurses and midwives as leaders, practitioners and advocates in health.  The Nightingale Challenge asks every health employer around the world to provide leadership development support and education for emerging nursing and midwifery leaders under the age of 35.  SESLHD is excited to accept this challenge! 

SESLHD has committed to supporting at least 100 nurses and midwives aged 35 or under to engage in leadership development programs in 2020.  These can be short programs or longer depending on the needs of the participants. You can find a full list of offerings here. Throughout the year specific events will be organised to support this group such as forums, roadshows and webinars.  Nursing and midwifery leaders aged over 35 will be invited to share their experience and expertise with SESLHD emerging leaders of the future through mentorship opportunities.



  What will I get out of being a part of the Nightingale Challenge?

  • Join both local and global communities of practice to connect with nurses and midwives from around the district and the world.
  • Access to webinars and social media communities
  • Certificate of Achievement upon completion
  • A badge to identify you as a participant of the Nightingale Challenge
  • Opportunities to network and connect with fellow participants through events to support participants undertaking the challenge.

How do I accept the challenge?

  1. Enrol in a Leadership Program (see the list) and follow the application process according to your program of choice
  2. Complete the Nightingale Challenge Application Form
  3. Send application form + proof of enrolment to


  1. Evidence of enrolment in a Leadership Development Program 
  2. Application Form
  3. Send to

Evidence of personal and professional leadership development through a written reflection of their experience to be shared at the end of 2020.


Leadership Development Programs

Accept the Challenge!

Nightingale Poster

Want to be a Mentor? Click Here!

District Nursing & Midwifery Contact Details:

If you have any questions, please get in touch!

Keith Jones, Nurse Manager for Leadership Initiatives

Dan Shaw, A/Nurse Manager for Leadership Development

Please note: Following the enrolment and acceptance of the Nightingale Challenge, Nursing Now will be provided with your email address and demographic information.

The Nightingale Challenge is open to SESLHD nurses & midwives only. Participants are subject to the eligibility requirements of the program of their choosing.


Prince of Wales Hospital:
Elizabeth Schlossberger- Nurse Manager, Nursing Education and Research Unit (NERU)

Royal Hospital for Women:
Annette Wright - Nurse Manager, Clinical Practice & Professional Development

St George Hospital
Kristin Mills - Nurse Exeuctive Support Manager

The Sutherland Hospital:
Robin Girle -  Nurse Manager, Practice and Workforce Capability Service

Sydney Hospital & Sydney Eye Hospital
Ann Hodge - Nurse Manager, Operational Nurse Support

War Memorial Hospital
Georgia Ellis -  Clinical Nurse Educator

Calvary Hospital
Christine Harris - Nurse Manager, Education

Mental Health
Ben Chidester - Nurse Educator, Workforce Capabilities
Emma McIntosh - Clinical Nurse Educator

Garrawarra Centre
Cathy Wynn - Nurse Manager, Education