Consumer Participation Group
At Kirketon Road Centre (KRC), we believe it’s important to work together with service users so that their skills, experiences and perspectives are considered in the design of KRC’s health services.
The KRC Consumer Participation Group (CPG) is made up of active service users representing the priority populations that KRC works with including:
- Aboriginal clients
- clients who are current injectors
- clients who sex work
- LGBTIQ+ clients
- clients experiencing homelessness
How does it work?
The Consumer Participation Group holds monthly business meetings with senior KRC management, and CPG members are paid for their time.
The CPG is involved in service planning and evaluation. A recent example is the redesign of clinical spaces at KRC. CPG members consulted with broader KRC service users and attended meetings with the architects alongside management and senior clinicians.
The CPG also provides design, content ideas and feedback on KRC publications and the ‘Consumer Tick’ is used for new health promotion resources approved by the CPG.
The CPG has been involved in:
- KRC Group Room ‘Safe Space’ guidelines
- revision of KRC brochure
- automatic dispensing machine signage
- client suggestions feedback posters
- presenting at the KRC Primary Health Care and Outreach Training
- presenting at the monthly KRC Health Promotion and Partnership meeting
- presenting to the KRC team.
The Kirketon Road Centre (KRC)
More information
For further information give us a call on 02 9360 2766.