Debra Kennedy
Director, MotherSafe
Royal Hospital for Women
“MotherSafe is a State-wide service where we take calls from consumers and healthcare professionals regarding concerns about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
By training I’m a paediatrician and I have an interest in birth defects and their prevention. I completed a two year fellowship in Toronto at a service that was similar to MotherSafe, so we modelled it on that.
I’ve seen an increase in women and health professional’s awareness of the need to plan pregnancies, so they can address concerns about potential medications before getting pregnant. Women with underlying medical problems who are often given quite scary advice about not taking medication might actually compromise their own health because they think it’s safer. That may not necessarily be the case. MotherSafe is all about making sure people understand that there are options and to seek advice so they can make informed choices."