AoD Clinical Outcomes and Quality Indicators Program
The COQI program aims to improve the clinical outcomes and quality of care for people in drug and alcohol treatment through the use of routinely collected clinical information. It seeks to establish systems to identify and routinely measure, analyse, and report on process oriented quality indicators and clinical outcomes. The COQI program can be contacted on

The Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile is a clinical review tool that can also be used for outcome measurement. The tool and user manuals can be accessed here.

The COQI framework incorporates the NSW Health Clinical Care Standards: Alcohol and Other Drugs Treatment as the foundation of AoD treatment and outcome monitoring, and is developing resources to support services to report on care standard achievement and clinical outcomes.

The multidisciplinary program team is led by Professor Nicholas Lintzeris.

Training is available on how to complete the ATOP and how to incorporate it into routine clinical practice.

The COQI Program has conducted a number of studies confirming that the ATOP is valid and reliable to use as a clinical and research tool by Drug and Alcohol Treatment providers.

Find papers and presentations where the ATOP and COQI Framework have been used in a range of clinical and research settings.

The COQI Program is currently developing a Workforce Development Package for the Clinical Care Standards for AoD Treatment.

The COQI program has been funded to develop electronic and manual audit tools to assist services in monitoring their Clinical Care Standard achievement.

The COQI Program has been funded to develop with consumers, resources about the NSW AoD Clinical Care Standards.