Contact the Local Health District
If you are not satisfied with the management of a complaint or you wish to make a complaint about a non hospital-based service within South Eastern Sydney Local Health district you can call the Complaints Officer or you can put your concern in writing to:
Chief Executive
District Executive Unit
Locked Mail Bag 21
or by email to
If you do not get any satisfaction from the above steps or don't wish to contact the Health Service directly you can contact the Health Care Complaints Commission
What is the Health Care Complaints Commission?
The Health Care Complaints Commission receives and assesses complaints about health care practitioners and health care services (generally referred to as health service providers). Anyone can lodge a complaint with the Commission.
Lodging a complaint
Complaints must be in writing and may be made about the professional conduct of a health service provider that affects the clinical management or care of an individual.
The Commission will provide assistance to lodge a complaint to any person who requires it.
Contact details
Health Care Complaints Commission
Office address: Level 13, 323 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000
Hours of business: 9-5pm, Monday to Friday
Postal address: Locked Mail Bag 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
Telephone: 9219 7444
Toll Free in NSW: 1800 043 159
Fax: 9281 4585
People who prefer a language other than English can contact the HCCC through the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450.