Hospital in the Home (HiTH)
What is HiTH?
HiTH is an acute care service that is provided free of charge to patients 18 years and over who reside within the St George area.
This service offers treatment in your home (or an agreed safe location) as a substitution for in hospital care. Treatment may be a combination of home visits, clinic visits (located in main tower ward block, Level 4 North), and/or virtual tele-health appointments.
Benefits of HiTH include, but are not limited to:
- Reduce your stay in hospital or provide a safe alternative to hospital admission
- Reduce risk of infection
- Increase independence
- Increased comfort of being in own home environment
HiTH is a team of Doctors and Nurses with access to Allied Health Professionals like Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Pharmacists if needed.
How can HiTH help you?
The HiTH team will visit you regularly at home or in the clinic. HiTH can help you with:
- Intravenous medications and antibiotics if you have an infection
- Wound Management and/ or drain care
- Blood tests and medication management
- Before and After Surgery care
What to expect if you're a patient on HiTH?
The HiTH Nurses and/or Doctor will visit in person or conduct virtual tele-health as required depending on your treatment plan. HiTH is a 7 day service so can include weekends and public holidays. The nurses will bring all the medical equipment that is needed and will regularly discuss with you the required treatment plans. When the service is no longer needed a discharge summary will be sent to your GP.
Who is eligible for HiTH?
- People over the aged of 18 who would otherwise need to be admitted to hospital
- Have an acute condition, requiring ongoing care, that can't be managed by another community or outpatient service
- Need treatment no more than twice a day
- People who are safe to stay at home, who can take care of themselves or have a carer
- People with reliable access to a telephone
How to make or cancel an appointment with HiTH?
If your Doctor recommends you for the HiTH service, you will be visited on the ward before you go home for your first assessment, or within our HITH clinic. Our staff visiting you will make appointments with you to come see you at home, or have you visit the clinic.
If you need to cancel an appointment, or will no longer be available, please talk to your nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591. Wherever possible please contact us a few days beforehand so we can make alternative arrangements.
What time are the visits?
The visits are usually between 8:30am and 8:00pm daily. This will be organised for a time that suits both yourself and your required treatment.
What happens if I have an appointment and will not be available for the visit?
If you need to cancel an appointment, or will no longer be available, please talk to your nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591. Wherever possible please contact us a few days beforehand so we can make alternative arrangements.
What do I do if I feel unwell after hours?
The HiTH service is available to contact 24 hours a day. You will be given a phone number to contact if you are concerned.
If you feel unwell, have chest pain, trouble breathing, uncontrolled bleeding or a fever please call 000 or if able go to the Emergency Department.
Do I need an interpreter?
Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.
Loan Devices
We provide short term loans of equipment or devices to help you manage at home and in the community during your treatment with HiTH.
There is no cost for the loan of equipment, however, damages to equipment will be required to be returned to the HiTH Service.
Accessing Loan Devices
The HiTH team will determine if loan devices are right for your treatment in the home and will arrange your devices for you. Medical equipment then is temporarily provided to patients who are receiving care through the HiTH service. These devices or equipment are loaned to the patient for use at home during their treatment and will be returned once the treatment is completed or the patient's condition improves. It is important for patients to access and take part in a wide range of programs that meet their needs. This service will help patients take control of their own health and recovery.
Contact the nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591 for more information.