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Closing in on six months into their one-year program, the 2024 SESLHD Nursing and Midwifery GradStarts have well and truly settled in.
Southcare (Aged and Extended Care…

Did you know that from 2019 to 2030, the number of people in the community aged over 60 is projected to grow by 38%? Did you also know that one in six of SESLHD’s older…

The photo wall has come down, the social media posts have gone live and 17 trophies have found their homes on bookshelves across the District. But On the Pulse is…

Keith’s Closet, a mental health initiative started at the Kiloh Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital, has received a…

All milestones within the District are a celebration, but when the SESLHD Patient Experience Information Project reaches 1000 responses in less than three months-it’s an…

On Monday evening, the State Library was humming with excitement as we celebrated many of the brilliant people we work alongside.
The first SESLHD Paediatric Services Review Workshop was held in April, bringing together clinicians, managers and executives of community…

Our District and nation have recently marked two important events in the ongoing journey to reconciliation with…

Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser is an important diary date at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital (SSEH), with the hospital hosting its 16th consecutive…