Staying Safe
Change in Condition
At any time if you are concerned about your or your relative’s condition, please discuss these concerns with the nursing staff on the ward. They will assess you or your relative and discuss a plan with you.
If you remain concerned, tell the nurse you wish to activate a Patient with Acute Condition for Escalation (PACE) call. A PACE call is the hospital’s clinical emergency system that is used to alert medical staff to respond to a patient who needs an urgent review and is used across South Eastern Sydney Local Health District facilities.
Blood Safe
If you require a blood or blood product transfusion in a non-emergency situation, your doctor should discuss with you:
- Why you need the transfusion.
- What the risks and benefits are.
- You will then need to consent for the transfusion.
Cold, Flu and Other Infections
If your family or friend has the cold or flu, please ask them not to visit you until 48 hours after they have no symptoms.
If your family or friend has any other infectious diseases such as whooping cough or viral gastroenteritis, please ask them not to visit you until they are fully recovered.
Correct Patient Information
To prevent any mix-up of patients, it is our duty to keep asking the following questions before any treatment:
“What is your name?”
“What is your date of birth?”
“What is your address?”
“We haven’t forgotten you, but we are just checking against our medical records that we are providing treatment to the correct patient.”
Things which can make you at risk of falling include:
- Certain medicines
- Being in an unfamiliar place
- Confusion
- Problems with balance or walking
- Poor eyesight
If you are unsure, always ask a nurse for assistance when moving out of bed.
Fire and Emergency
Our staff are fully trained in emergency procedures. In the unlikely event of an emergency:
- The nurse-in-charge will guide patients and staff to a safe area or evacuate.
- Stay by your bed until hospital staff tell you to move.
- Do not use the lifts if there is a fire.
Hand Hygiene
Washing hands or using alcohol-based hand-rub prevents the spread of germs.
If your healthcare worker hasn’t washed their hands before attending to you, please ask them to do so.
Masks, Gowns and Gloves
If you have a Multi-Resistant Organism (MRO) or an infection, all staff and visitors visiting you must use the appropriate personal protective gear.
The appropriate personal protective equipment will be shown on a sign near your bed space.
While you are in hospital you must only take or use medicines that have been given to you by the hospital staff. While it might seem easier or helpful to handle your own medicines, this is how accidents can happen. Allowing us to manage your medicines during your stay helps us keep you safe.
As part of your admission to hospital, one or more members of hospital staff will ask you questions about your medicines. It is very important that we have an accurate and complete list of all the medicines that you use. If you normally take regular medications at home, you are strongly encouraged to bring them or a list of these along to hospital.
You can find a template to create a list of your medications here:
During your stay in hospital, we may make changes to the medicines you take. Your hospital doctors should always include you in these decisions and provide you with information about your treatment options. If you or your family have any questions about your medications you can ask to speak to your ward pharmacist, nurse or doctor.
When you are leaving hospital, you should be given a clear explanation of any changes that have been made to your medicines. Most patients should also be provided with an updated list of medicines in a format they can understand.
"Staying Safe With Your Medicines" Brochures:
Nil by Mouth Signage
Do not eat or drink any food if there is a “Nil by Mouth” notice on your bed, this could be dangerous or delay your surgery.
Pressure Injury
If you have any of the following, you should alert your nurse.
- Redness/skin discoloration
- Tenderness, pain, or itching in affected areas
- Blistering
- Broken Skin
Security officers are on site at all times.
To help us keep our hospital safe:
- Do not leave any of your own items unattended.
- Leave your wallet, mobile or laptop and any other valuables at home. You can keep some loose change for newspapers and other small items.
- Close the door or gate behind you when leaving a secure ward.
- Abusive, threatening or violent language or behaviour will not be tolerated and as a result, visitors/guests/relatives will be asked to leave the hospital.