Dermatology Department

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Thu, 17/07/2025 - 19:38

The St George Hospital Dermatology Department treats and diagnoses non-cosmetic skin problem, e.g.: Skin Cancer, Psoriasis, Eczema, drug reactions, Lupus and unknown skin problems.


Outpatient Referral Form

Outpatient Referral Form



You will need to get your General practitioner (GP) or specialist doctor to write a referral to use our service including medical history, relevant test results and list of medications.

Once received the referral will be then be triaged by our specialist and we will then send you a letter via post regarding your appointment details. Kindly ensure that your GP has the right mailing address and contact details attached in your referral.

To reschedule or cancel an appointment kindly call us at 9113 2513 during office hours.

Reminder: Appointments cannot be made via telephone.



Kindly call us to make a booking should you require an interpreter on the day of your appointment.



Patients with Medicare care are bulk billed. There is a nominated fee for patients attending this clinic without Medicare card.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 2513
02 9113 2297
Street address
Ground Floor, Outpatient Department,
Prince William Wing,
St George Public Hospital

Phone: 02 9113 2513 - Monday-Friday (8:00 AM-4:00 PM)

Operating Hours: Monday – Friday (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM)

Location Media

-33.9676303, 151.1334852

Meta Description
St George Hospital Dermatology Department
Service Type

Antibiotic Allergy

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Sun, 03/11/2024 - 11:46



Our Service

A penicillin allergy label leads to worse outcomes from infections, higher rates of multidrug resistant organisms and longer hospital stays.

Antibiotic allergy labels are often incorrect, with 9 out of 10 patients who report a penicillin allergy not actually being allergic on further testing.

We have an Inpatient Antibiotic Allergy program operating on Mondays and an Outpatient Antibiotic Allergy Clinic operating on Thursdays in the Ambulatory Care Unit.

The clinic may be contacted on 9113 2957 during working hours Monday to Friday.

CEC antibiotic allergy
ASCIA - Allergy Testing - fast facts

Our Clinic

Any patient with an antibiotic allergy who would like their antibiotic allergy reviewed can be referred for outpatient testing at St George Hospital via GP or specialist referral to Dr Richard Sullivan or Professor Steven Krilis.

A referral form can be found here.

The ASCIA website also has a list of specialists in your area who do allergy testing.

The Antibiotic Allergy Outpatient Testing Clinic operates at the Ambulatory Care Unit on 2 East every Thursday.

The clinic can assess and test any patient with any reported antibiotic allergy.

The clinic can perform antibiotic skin testing and oral challenges, confirm if the antibiotic allergy is true, and determine which antibiotics can be given safely. This provides many more options for infection treatment and surgical prophylaxis in future.


Our Specialist Team

Our vibrant Antibiotic Allergy Team includes Health Professionals who work in both Infectious Diseases and Immunology, involving both doctors and nurses. 

Staff Specialists
Infectious Diseases Dr Richard Sullivan
Infectious Diseases/Immunologist Professor Steven Krilis 
Registered Nurse Sara
Registered Nurse Kate
Administrator Lisa


Referral Criteria

Any adult patient reporting any antibiotic allergy, including both recent and distant (e.g., childhood) reactions.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age > 16 years with any reported antibiotic allergy

Exclusion Criteria

  • Non-antibiotic allergies 

How to send a referral

Please use this referral form or send a referral letter to Dr Richard Sullivan or Professor Steven Krilis to or fax (02) 9113 4058.

Please ensure that all the mandatory information is completed on the form. The referral form ensures that you do not miss any important information to enable a timely and appropriate referral.

Please note the following whilst completing the referral:

  • You must address the referral to the Consultant from our Specialist team, not the hospital, clinic, outpatient department or JMO
  • The Antibiotic Allergy clinic requires referrals from either a GP or a Specialist medical officer
  • You must sign and date the referral, and include your provider number and practice address
  • You must provide this referral prior to the appointment date.

Referrals that do not meet the above criteria will not be processed by our team.

A member of our administration team will contact the patient with an appointment date once your referral is received and has been triaged. If you have not heard from anyone from our team by two weeks please call 91132957 to follow up with your referral. 

If an appointment is missed or cancelled, we will call the patient with a plan to reschedule.


Costs for patients and rebates

We are a Medicare service. You must provide a referral that is addressed to our specialist doctor. Your patient will be bulk billed.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 2957
Street address
Ambulatory Care Unit, St George Hospital, Gray St Kogarah NSW 2217

The Inpatient Antibiotic Allergy program operates on Mondays and the Outpatient Antibiotic Allergy Clinic operates on Thursdays in the Ambulatory Care Unit.

The clinic may be contacted on 02 9113 2957 during working hours Monday to Friday.

Location Media

-33.966987116955, 151.13354080489

Meta Description
Reaction Evaluation & Antibiotic Allergy Clinical Team, St George Hospital, Kogarah NSW 2217

Hospital in the Home (HiTH)

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Thu, 31/10/2024 - 09:19

What is HiTH?

HiTH is an acute care service that is provided free of charge to patients 18 years and over who reside within the St George area.

This service offers treatment in your home (or an agreed safe location) as a substitution for in hospital care. Treatment may be a combination of home visits, clinic visits (located in main tower ward block, Level 4 North), and/or virtual tele-health appointments.

Benefits of HiTH include, but are not limited to:

  • Reduce your stay in hospital or provide a safe alternative to hospital admission
  • Reduce risk of infection
  • Increase independence
  • Increased comfort of being in own home environment

HiTH is a team of Doctors and Nurses with access to Allied Health Professionals like Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Pharmacists if needed.

How can HiTH help you?

The HiTH team will visit you regularly at home or in the clinic. HiTH can help you with:

  • Intravenous medications and antibiotics if you have an infection
  • Wound Management and/ or drain care
  • Blood tests and medication management
  • Before and After Surgery care

What to expect if you're a patient on HiTH?

The HiTH Nurses and/or Doctor will visit in person or conduct virtual tele-health as required depending on your treatment plan. HiTH is a 7 day service so can include weekends and public holidays. The nurses will bring all the medical equipment that is needed and will regularly discuss with you the required treatment plans. When the service is no longer needed a discharge summary will be sent to your GP.

Who is eligible for HiTH?

  • People over the aged of 18 who would otherwise need to be admitted to hospital
  • Have an acute condition, requiring ongoing care, that can't be managed by another community or outpatient service
  • Need treatment no more than twice a day
  • People who are safe to stay at home, who can take care of themselves or have a carer
  • People with reliable access to a telephone

How to make or cancel an appointment with HiTH?

If your Doctor recommends you for the HiTH service, you will be visited on the ward before you go home for your first assessment, or within our HITH clinic. Our staff visiting you will make appointments with you to come see you at home, or have you visit the clinic.

If you need to cancel an appointment, or will no longer be available, please talk to your nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591. Wherever possible please contact us a few days beforehand so we can make alternative arrangements.

What time are the visits?

The visits are usually between 8:30am and 8:00pm daily. This will be organised for a time that suits both yourself and your required treatment.

What happens if I have an appointment and will not be available for the visit?

If you need to cancel an appointment, or will no longer be available, please talk to your nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591. Wherever possible please contact us a few days beforehand so we can make alternative arrangements.

What do I do if I feel unwell after hours?

The HiTH service is available to contact 24 hours a day. You will be given a phone number to contact if you are concerned.

If you feel unwell, have chest pain, trouble breathing, uncontrolled bleeding or a fever please call 000 or if able go to the Emergency Department.

Do I need an interpreter?

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

Loan Devices

We provide short term loans of equipment or devices to help you manage at home and in the community during your treatment with HiTH.

There is no cost for the loan of equipment, however, damages to equipment will be required to be returned to the HiTH Service.

Accessing Loan Devices

The HiTH team will determine if loan devices are right for your treatment in the home and will arrange your devices for you. Medical equipment then is temporarily provided to patients who are receiving care through the HiTH service. These devices or equipment are loaned to the patient for use at home during their treatment and will be returned once the treatment is completed or the patient's condition improves. It is important for patients to access and take part in a wide range of programs that meet their needs. This service will help patients take control of their own health and recovery.

Contact the nurse or contact the HiTH team on 9113 2899 or 0428 359 591 for more information.


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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 2899
Street address
Gray St Kogarah 2217
Location Media

-33.967739, 151.133632

Meta Description
Hospital in the Home, St George Hospital, Kogarah 2217 NSW Australia

Healthy Ageing Program – Exercise classes

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Sun, 11/08/2024 - 09:33

Strengthening for over 60s program

Our Strengthening for over 60s program provides safe, effective, and affordable strength and balance classes to help people 60 plus to maintain bone density, improve their functional strength, and remain independent for longer.

The program is evidence based and designed by our St George Physiotherapist and delivered by experienced exercise professionals across community venues in Bayside, Georges River & Sutherland LGAs.

The classes are suitable for most fitness levels and provides a supportive environment.

$100 per term, (9 weeks)

Term Dates:

  • Term 2 commences week starting: 25th March 2024
  • Term 3 commences week starting 27th May 2024
  • Term 4 commences week starting 12th Aug 2024
  • Term 5 commences week starting 21st Oct 2024

* It is possible to commence the program throughout the terms.

Venues / Class locations

  • Caringbah Seniors Citizens Hall - multiple classes running on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings.
  • Carlton School of Arts - Wednesdays at 11.40am
  • Carss Park Community Centre - Friday mornings at 8, 9 and 10am
  • Engadine Community Health Centre - Tuesday morning at 9am
  • Gunnamatta Park Pavilion Cronulla - Friday mornings at 8 and 9am
  • Menai Indoor Sports Centre - Thursday mornings at 10 and 11am
  • Miranda Community Hall - Thursday mornings at 8, 9 and 10am
  • Mortdale/Oatley Baptist Church - multiple classes running on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
  • Oatley RSL Club - Thursday mornings at 8.30, 9.30, 10.30 and 11.30am
  • Old's Park Sports Club - Wednesdays at 10am
  • Ramsgate Lifesaving Club - Monday at 11, 12 and 1pm, plus Wednesdays at 9.45am

* Some classes are at capacity so please contact the office regarding availability and registration.



Contact us:

Phone: 02 911 31397


Street Address: 3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217

Hours of operation: Office hours are 9am - 5pm

Postal address:
Strengthening for over 60s program
3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217


Exercise class
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Location Details
Contact us
02 911 31397
Street address
3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217
Postal address
Strengthening for over 60s program
3 Chapel Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217

Office hours are 9am - 5pm.

Location Media

-33.968136, 151.1349386

Meta Description
trengthening for over 60s program, St George Hospital

Radiation Oncology

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Fri, 19/07/2024 - 09:27

How we can help you

Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy radiation therapy to control or kill tumour cells. It may be used to cure disease, reduce symptoms such as pain, and/or to prevent disease recurrence. Radiation therapy is a safe, effective and important part of the management of a range of cancers. Radiation can also be used for non-cancerous diseases. It may be given on its own or with other forms of treatment such as chemotherapy or surgery. Like having a routine X-ray, radiation therapy is painless.

Radiation therapy is a localised treatment which means it generally only affects the part of the body requiring treatment. Modern techniques accurately target cancer cells whilst minimising effects on normal healthy tissues.

Radiation therapy is most commonly given in the form of external X-rays generated from a treatment machine (Linear Accelerator). A course of radiotherapy treatment is often delivered over a number of days to weeks.

Radiotherapy treatment can also be delivered internally where small radioactive sources are placed inside the body (Brachytherapy). St George Cancer Care Centre specialises in a comprehensive list of brachytherapy services including prostate, breast, gynaecological, skin, lung and other sites.

Types of radiation therapy treatments available at St George Cancer Care Centre:

  • Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
  • Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for malignant and non-malignant diseases
  • Volumetric Modulated Radiation Therapy (VMAT)
  • Brachytherapy 

Your assessment, treatment planning and care are delivered at our clinics and specialist radiation therapy facilities in the Cancer Care Centre at St George Hospital. The radiation oncology team includes doctors, nurses, radiation therapists, medical physicists and allied health professionals who will work together to ensure the best approach to suit your individual needs.

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Location Details
Contact us
61 02 9113 3909
Street address
Chapel St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5.00pm.

Location Media

-33.9686313, 151.1350281

Meta Description
Radiation Oncology, St George Hospital, Kogarah NSW 2217
Service Type

Our radiation oncologists include:

Dr Andrej Bece
Dr Nadine Beydoun
Dr Joseph Bucci
Dr Yaw Chin
Dr Catherine Clark
A/Prof Peter Graham
Dr Gina Hesselberg
Dr Lucinda Morris
Dr Reza Rahbari

If you have a suspected or confirmed cancer you may be referred by your medical specialist or your local family doctor to use our services. Please request your doctor to send us your referral letter and all relevant test results. Once we have received a completed referral, we will send you a confirmation appointment letter, which will tell you where your appointment is located and what information you should bring with you. 

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please call us on (02) 9113 3909 / (02) 9113 1570

  • Medical referral if you have it, relevant pathology results
  • Current Medicare card or Veteran Affairs card
  • Any Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card.
  • Insurer details (for example: workers compensation, public liability or third party).
  • Your Private Health Fund Membership card if you are currently insured with a private health fund.Recent x-rays or medical images and their reports, if applicable.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.

Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the Interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an Interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

Information about our to support our services and research can be found here

For appointments and clinic changes:
(02) 9113 3943  / (02) 9113 1570 

For the Radiation Oncology Department: 
Dr Catherine Clark 
A/Prof Peter Graham
(02) 9113 3903

Dr Joseph Bucci 
Dr Nadine Beydoun 
Dr Gina Hesselberg 
(02) 9113 3831

Dr Andrej Bece 
Dr Yaw Chin
Dr Reza Masoud Rahbari 
Dr Greg Robertson (Gynaecological Oncologist)
(02) 9113 3934

(02) 9113 3913


Head of Department
Dr Catherine Clark

Nurse Unit Manager
Catherine Brennan 

Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5.00pm

We are located in the Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital. The Cancer Care Centre can be accessed from Chapel Street Kogarah or via the corridor to the left of the Gray Street entrance of St George Hospital.

Palliative Care

Member for

6 years 7 months
Submitted by Allyson.Moore on Mon, 20/05/2024 - 13:34

How we can help you

Palliative care can improve symptoms and help you and your family to achieve the best possible quality of life throughout your illness. Help is available to anyone with any life-limiting illness, not only cancer.

We can help you to navigate through our complex care system, ensuring you have the key information you need. We will talk with you about your feelings, values and wishes for your care.

Our aim is to improve your quality of life while you face problems associated with your life-limiting illness. We aim to prevent and relieve your suffering by carefully treating your pain and other problems, be it physical, psychosocial and spiritual.

Palliative care is not just about caring for patients who are dying. The majority of our work is dedicated to improving the control of your symptoms, particularly if you have advanced disease, including advanced cancers. We can also help to make cancer treatment more tolerable. 

If your family members are finding illness difficult to cope with, our team is available to help at any stage of your illness.

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 3943
Street address
St George Hospital
Cancer Care Centre
Chapel Street
Kogarah NSW 2217
Location Media

-33.967582919806, 151.13424612209

Meta Description
Palliative care can improve symptoms and help you and your family to achieve the best possible quality of life throughout your illness.
Service Type

The Palliative Care service includes medical and nursing specialists who see patients on the St George Hospital Campus.

We provide care for inpatients throughout St George Hospital  and outpatients clinics via the Cancer Care Centre. We provide a supportive care service for heart failure, liver failure and respiratory failure patients both as inpatients and in the outpatient setting. 

We partner with Calvary Health Care Kogarah to provide comprehensive and coordinated inpatient and home based Palliative Care services across the district. 

Staff Specialists
Dr Caitlin Sheehan (Head of Department)
A/Prof Amy Waters  
Dr Linda Sheahan
Dr Kim Caldwell 

Nursing Staff 
Linda Magann CNC
Mary Lafferty  CNC 
Sue Morris CNE 
Hannah Lagrutta RN
Grace Cutcliffe CNS
Melanie Corriea CNS 

Quality of life can be impacted by many different causes, including symptoms of pain, nausea, breathlessness and others. The impact of treatment can also lead to uncertainty and concern about the future. Many people living with advanced illnesses can benefit from palliative care. There is published evidence that seeing the palliative care team can even help patients with cancer to live longer and better.

If you live in the South East Sydney Southern region and have a life-limiting illness such as cancer, emphysema, heart or kidney failure you may be referred by your local family doctor or a medical specialist to use our services.

Please request your doctor to send us your referral letter together with all relevant test results to the following email address:

Once we have received a completed referral, we will send you a confirmation appointment letter, which will tell you where your appointment is located and what information you should bring with you.

Please see attached referral form.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please call us on 9113 3943

  • Current Medicare card or Veteran Affairs card
  • Any Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card.
  • Insurer details (eg workers compensation, public liability or third party).
  • Your Private Health Fund Membership card if you are currently insured with a private health fund.
  • A list of your current medications.
  • Recent X-rays or medical images and their reports, if applicable.
  • Activities to keep you entertained while waiting (for example, a book, music player with headphones, crosswords). There is also a television and magazines available in the waiting area

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

We are a teaching hospital and student doctors or nurses may be involved and supervised by senior staff during your visit. You have the right to say no. If you do so, this will no impact in any way on the services we will provide.

Our department participates in clinical research, and you may be asked if you would like to participate in a trial or study. You have a right to say no without there being any impact on your care.

Medical Oncology

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Fri, 17/05/2024 - 14:00

How we can help you

We provide care to people with cancer who are living in the community or staying in our Hospital. Our team of medical specialists use the latest research. We work with cancer care coordinators, radiation oncology, palliative care and nursing to provide holistic care for our patients.
We provide:

  • Chemotherapy - medicines that destroy cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy - a treatment that helps your immune system fight cancer.
  • Hormonal therapy for cancers that grow in response to your body’s hormones. This treatment uses synthetic hormones to block your natural hormones. This helps to reduce the size and slow down the spread of the cancer.
  • Targeted therapy - medicines that work on specific features of cancer cells to stop it growing and spreading.

We provide chemotherapy services to people living in the community through our Haematology Oncology Day Centre (HODC). Here we provide short stay treatments and patient education. Our senior nursing staff will work with our specialists to deliver your treatment.
Our medical specialists see new patients and review the progress of current patients in our outpatient clinics located in the Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital. 
If you need higher dose chemotherapy or more supportive care, you may need to stay in our Hospital. We have a ward on level 7A of the Acute Services Building, St George Hospital.

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Location Details
Contact us
61 02 9113 3909
Street address
St George Hospital, Chapel Street, Kogarah NSW 2217 Australia

The Cancer Care Centre St George Hospital can be entered via Chapel Street Kogarah or via a corridor to the left of the Gray Street entrance of the main hospital. 

Haematology Oncology Day Centre (HODC) and Clinics are co-located in the Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital.

Inpatient Oncology Ward is 7A, on level 7 of the Acute Services Building, St George Hospital.

Location Media

-33.967638190107, 151.13434242245

Meta Description
St George Hospital Cancer Care Service, Kogarah NSW 2217
Service Type

Our medical oncologists include:

Medical Oncologists

Sub-specialty interests

Dr Julia Chen

Breast, Genitourinary

Dr Tracey Dunlop

Lung, Central Nervous System (CNS), Breast

Dr Carole Harris

Breast, Genitourinary

Dr Hussein-Soudy Hussein

Lung, Head and Neck, Melanoma

A/Prof Chee Lee

Lung, Clinical Trials, Gynaecology

A/Prof Winston Liauw

Upper and Lower GI, Liver, Peritonectomy

Dr Jennifer Lim


Dr Jodi Lynch

Breast, Gynaecology

A/Prof Katrin Sjoquist

Upper and Lower GI, Neuroendocrine

Dr David Thomas

Upper and Lower GI, Neuroendocrine, CNS, Melanoma

Dr Angelina Tjokrowidjaja Upper and Lower GI, Gynaecology


If you live in the South East Sydney region and have a suspected or confirmed cancer you may be referred by your local family doctor or a medical specialist to use our services. Please request your doctor to send us your referral letter together with all relevant test results.

Once we have received a completed referral, we will send you a confirmation appointment letter, which will tell you when and where your appointment is and what information you should bring with you.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please call us on (02) 9113 3943 or (02) 9113 3909.

  • Current Medicare card or Veteran Affairs card
  • Any Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card
  • Insurer details (e.g. workers compensation, public liability or third party)
  • Your private health fund membership card if you are currently insured with a private health fund
  • Recent X-rays or medical images and their reports, if applicable

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and the healthcare professional you want to speak with.

We are a teaching hospital and student doctors or nurses may be involved in your care and supervised by senior staff during your visit. You have the right to say no. If you do so, this will not impact in any way on the services we will provide. We will discuss with you any research projects or clinical trials that are relevant to your condition and whether you would like to participate.

If you would like to support our services and research visit

Phone: (02) 9113 3943 / (02) 9113 3909 / (02) 9113 1570

Fax: (02) 9113 3913

Email for Referrals:

Email for Non-Urgent Enquiries and Appointment Changes:

a/Head of Department: Dr Tracey Dunlop

Nurse Unit Manager: Jane Hlambelo

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm.

The Cancer Care Centre St George Hospital can be entered via Chapel Street Kogarah or via a corridor to the left of the Gray Street entrance of the main hospital. 

Haematology Oncology Day Centre (HODC) and Clinics are co-located in the Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital.

Inpatient Oncology Ward is 7A, on level 7 of the Acute Services Building, St George Hospital.

St George Hospital map (PDF)

May 2024 marks the 10-year anniversary of the award-winning and internationally recognised St George Multidisciplinary Paediatric Feeding Clinic.