Paediatrics Department
Welcome to St George Paediatrics
We provide high-quality paediatric specialist healthcare for the infants, children and young people of our local community.
Outpatient Clinics
If your child needs an urgent medical review it is important to visit a general practitioner [GP] within working hours.
For true emergencies after hours please dial 000 or attend the paediatric emergency department.
New Referrals
You must have a GP referral to access our clinics.
We prefer online referrals to ensure your referral is triaged in a timely fashion.
You can email us a detailed referral letter directly.
New referrals will are triaged within 10 working days. We prioritise urgent cases however in general the clinics are very full.
Please be aware there may be a delay of up to several months before you are offered an appointment.
St George paediatrics offers both in-person and Tele-health consultations.
If you believe we have misunderstood the complexity or urgency of your child’s appointment please contact us by email on
Request a Script
Many scripts can be written by your GP.
For specialist medications, if your child has been seen in the St George Paediatric Outpatient Clinic in the past 12 months, please click the CONTACT US link below and fill in the form.

For any questions please contact us here at any time.

Please allow at least one week for script requests

Click here to contact us online. When possible we will reply within one business day.

Click here for information on the new RSV vaccination program