St George Paediatric Multidisciplinary Feeding Service


The Paediatric Multidisciplinary Feeding Service is a tertiary feeding service for children in our local area who have complex feeding problems such as cleft palate, neurodegenerative conditions, genetic syndromes, congenital heart disease and/or those who require enteral (tube) feeding.

A referral from a paediatrician is required to access this service directly.

In particularly complex or urgent cases where children have not yet seen a paediatrician we are happy to discuss the issues with the child's treating clinician (GP, allied health or nurse) and help find a suitable local service.  Please contact us as below. 

If you are the parent of a child with feeding difficulty please see your Early Childhood Centre or GP in the first instance as our clinic does not accept self-referral from parents.

This website contains resources developed by the service, and links to other useful sites.  If you have any additional information you think should be hosted here, please let us know by email.



Whether or not a child is eligible to come to our clinic, we’re keen to help primary care clinicians manage feeding problems in our local community. 

If you are a GP, allied health professional, nurse or other clinician who would like to discuss a child with complex feeding issues, please contact us by email or phone 9113 1360 and ask for the Feeding Clinic Coordinator.


New Referrals:

A referral from a paediatrician is required to access this service directly.

There is no standard referral form.  Please send a written referral, including contact details for the family, addressed to Dr Chris Elliot, Paediatrician.

Referrals can be sent by email, mail or fax:

Email (preferred):

Fax: 9113 1382

Mail: c/- Feeding Clinic Intake Officer
St George Integrated Community Health Centre
Burt Nielson Wing, St George Hospital
Gray St, Kogarah 2217



Mondays 9am-12pm. If you get lost on the day of clinic, please call 9113 2319 for help




Fussy Feeders Pack

  1. Managing Fussy Eaters
  2. Division of Responsibility
  3. Start Them Right Guide
  4. Managing Mealtimes
  5. Trying New Foods Game


Related Links: