Paediatric Outpatient Clinic

Member for

1 year 8 months
Submitted by Rajesh.Lamichhane on Thu, 19/12/2024 - 11:39

We run a General Paediatric Outpatient clinic for patients with chronic illness or ongoing medical concerns. The clinic is led by a Paediatrician and patients are often also seen by one of the Paediatric Registrars. Please note that all our doctors are General Paediatricians, and we do not offer a specialised developmental service. We are unable to provide a multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment but can offer ongoing care to children with neurodevelopmental concerns. 

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Location Details
Contact us
(02) 9540 7378
(02) 9540 7545
Street address
The Sutherland Hospital
Outpatients Department
Level 2, 430 The Kingsway

Location Media

-34.035864949595, 151.11456825388

Meta Description
We run a General Paediatric Outpatient clinic for patients with chronic illness or ongoing medical concerns. The clinic is led by a Paediatrician and patients are often also seen by one of the Paediatric Registrars

Head of Department Dr Alys Swindlehurst   General Paediatrician
Staff Specialist Dr Henry Gilbert General Paediatrician
Staff Specialist Dr James Tong General Paediatrician
Staff Specialist Dr Elizabeth Berger General Paediatrician


Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9.30 to 16.00
Wednesday: 9.30 to 12.30
Thursday: 9.30 to 16.00
Friday: 9.30 to 13.30 

We see all children from 0 – 15 years old with non-acute medical conditions. 

Exclusion Criteria: 
We can only accept Priority Populations or vulnerable families to our clinic for a behavioural or developmental concern. Patients must also be under the age of 12 years and live within our catchment area within the Sutherland Shire. 

The following patients are considered Priority Populations:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • Out of Home Care
  • Refugee
  • Health Care Card
  • Suspected Abuse / Neglect

If a GP feels a family is vulnerable, please contact us to discuss further. Please call 9540 7384 and ask to speak to the Staff Specialist Paediatrician on site.

The process for referring a patient is: 

  • GP/referrer to send through referral via fax to 9540 7545 or email. 
  • When the referral is approved, the referral must include:
    • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Gilbert/Tong/ Berger).
    • has the patient’s date of birth.
    • has current mobile phone and address.
    • has your provider number, date and signature.
    • full details of the patient’s condition, investigations, results, etc.
    • has patient’s Medicare card no.
  • The referral will be checked to ensure it is valid, if not extra information will be sourced from the referrer.
  • If valid the referral will be triaged by clinic doctor.
  • Appointment made as per doctor’s recommendation.
  • Patient notified by confirmation letter/phone call. 

A valid referral requires:

  • Written by a medical practitioner in a private practice or an SMO (Senior Medical Officer).
  • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Gilbert/Tong/ Berger).
  • The referral must include the below:
    • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Gilbert/Tong/ Berger).
    • has the patient’s date of birth.
    • has current mobile phone and address.
    • has your provider number, date and signature.
    • full details of the patient’s condition, investigations, results etc.
    • has patient’s Medicare card no.
  • Signed and dated by referring practitioner and include their Provider Number and place of practice.
  • Include length of referral.
  • Patient to have signed financial consent form.

Is there a waiting list?


Waiting List Details

All referrals are prioritised and allocated according to criteria but for behavioural and developmental concerns where the referral is accepted, the wait is approximately 18 months to 2 years. 

If you hold a valid Medicare card, the visit is Bulk Billed with no gap payment.

If you do not hold a Medicare card, please contact the clinic for further information on fees and payment.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us by telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak, and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and us on 9540 7378.

Childrens Acute Review Service (CARS Clinic)

Member for

1 year 8 months
Submitted by Rajesh.Lamichhane on Thu, 19/12/2024 - 11:24

Acute medical reviews for children 0 - 15 years.

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Location Details
Contact us
(02) 9540 8484
(02) 9540 8485
Street address
The Sutherland Hospital
Located within Children’s Ward
Level 3
Postal address
430 Kingsway
Caringbah NSW 2229
Location Media

-34.035918294684, 151.11454679621

Meta Description
Acute medical reviews for children 0 - 15 years.

Head of Department Dr Alys Swindlehurst   General Paediatrician 
Staff Specialist Dr James Tong General Paediatrician 
Staff Specialist Dr Elizabeth Berger  General Paediatrician 


  • Monday: 11.00 to 15.00
  • Tuesday: 11.00 to 15.00
  • Wednesday: 11.00 to 15.00
  • Thursday: 11.00 to 15.00
  • Friday: 12.30 to 15.00

Children requiring medical reviews for acute conditions. We see all children from 0 – 15 years.

Exclusion Criteria: 

  • Medical speciality conditions. For example, Orthopaedic. 
  • Any patients requiring emergency treatment. 
  • Children 16 years and over.

The process for referring a patient is: 

  • Acute referrals only.
  • GP/referrer must call the CARS Clinical Nurse Consultant first on 9540 8484 within office hours or the Paediatric Registrar on call through the switch board on 9540 7111 to discuss the referral. Do not fax a referral until after discussion with CARS staff.
  • When the referral is approved, the referral must include:
    • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Tong/ Berger).
    • has the patient’s date of birth.
    • has current mobile phone and address.
    • has your provider number, date and signature.
    • full details of the patient’s condition, investigations, results, etc.
    • has patient’s Medicare card no.
  • GP/referrer to send through referral via fax or email. Details above. 
  • The referral will be checked to ensure it is valid, if not extra information will be sourced from the referrer. 
  • If valid, the referral will be triaged by clinic Clinical Nurse Consultant or Paediatrician.
  • Appointment made as per doctor’s recommendation.
  • Patient notified by confirmation phone call.

A valid referral requires:

  • Written by a medical practitioner in a private practice or an SMO (Senior Medical Officer).
  • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Tong/ Berger).
  • The referral must include the below:
    • Must be addressed to a specific doctor (Dr Swindlehurst/ Tong/ Berger).
    • has the patient’s date of birth.
    • has current mobile phone and address.
    • has patient’s Medicare card no.
    • has your provider number, date and signature.
    • full details of the patient’s condition, investigations, results, etc.
  • Signed and dated by referring practitioner and include their Provider Number and place of practice.
  • Include length of referral.

Is there a waiting list?


Waiting List Details

All referrals are prioritised and allocated according to criteria.

If you hold a valid Medicare card, the visit is Bulk Billed with no gap payment.

If you do not hold a Medicare card, please contact the clinic for further information on fees and payment.

Please let us know if you need an interpreter. You can contact us telephoning the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak, and then ask the interpreter to set up a telephone conversation between you, an interpreter, and us on 9540 8484.

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Interventional Bronchology / Pleural Service TSH

Member for

7 years 6 months
Submitted by galina.belt on Sat, 27/07/2024 - 12:42

Interventional bronchology are procedures that utilise minimally invasive techniques

Our senior clinicians perform a range of interventional bronchology and pleural procedures. These include ultrasound guided "pleural tap" (thoracocentesis), and:

The Department also provides basic and advanced hands-on teaching on pleural and lung ultrasound imaging and related procedures to undergraduates, JMOs (Junior Medical Officers) and trainees annually.  

A rapid access referral process is in place from 2025 to assist in the National Lung Cancer Screening Program.….

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9540 7111 
Postal address
Department of Respiratory & Sleep Medicine
Locked Bag 21,
Taren Point, NSW 2229

Respiratory Consultant or Registrar On-call via the Sutherland Hospital Switchboard 

Location Media
Meta Description
The Sutherland Hospital interventional bronchology and pleural procedures