Policies & Publications - S

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Acute Spinal Cord Injury of the Adult – Management and Referral Procedure SESLHDPR/291
Administration of Subcutaneous Medications in Palliative Care using a NIPRO Surefuser™ SESLHDPR/666
Alteplase (Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator) in Adult Acute Ischaemic Stroke – Management of SESLHDPR/236
Cervical Spine Management in the Emergency Department (ED) SESLHDGL/102
Client Eligibility, Special Needs Dental Service (SNDS) SESLHDPD/159
Evidence-based guide to cognitive screening measures guideline SESLHDGL/092
Framework for Emergency Nurse Protocols and Standing Orders SESLHDPR/369
Information Security Incident Management SESLHDPD/317
Information Security Policy SESLHDPD/310
Management of Subpoenas SESLHDPR/618
Management of Surgical Plume in the Perioperative Environment SESLHDPR/301
Management of Work Related Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Hospital Based Social Workers SESLHDGL/089
Mass Swabbing of Cruise Ship Passengers on Disembarkation SESLHDGL/113
Network Security SESLHDPD/313
Ordering of supplies for staff tearooms

Ordering of supplies for staff tearooms order form

Palliative Care: administration of Adult Subcutaneous fluid SESLHDPR/422
Post Incident Bedside Safety Huddles and effective use of the HUDDLE UP tool SESLHDGL/072
Product – Clinical Product Notices, Recalls and Safety Alerts SESLHDPR/319
Responding electronically to subpoena requests - medical records and documents SESLHDPR/662
Sacubitril+Valsartan (Entresto®) for Systolic Heart Failure SESLHDPR/585
SAER Recommendations Compliance Monitoring SESLHDPR/320
Safe Handling and Management of Monoclonal Antibodies SESLHDPR/368
Safety Incident Report Management SESLHDPR/727
Scabies - Management of SESLHDPR/363
Searching Consumers and their Property SESLHDPR/597
Secondment of Permanent Employees SESLHDPR/428
Security Management within SESLHD Facilities SESLHDPR/639
Sedation: Procedural Sedation (Adults, Ward, Clinic and Imaging areas) SESLHDPR/528
Selling, Donating and Redeploying Healthcare Equipment SESLHDPR/679
Separation of Employment SESLHDPR/423
Service Continuity Policy for ICT Service Owners SESLHDPD/288
SESLHD Guide for Managing Elective Surgery Waitlists SESLHDGL/097
SESLHD Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Discharge Guidelines, Post-Operative Adult and Maternity Patients SESLHDGL/049
Shared Care for adult patients admitted through the Emergency Department (not including acute Mental Health patients) SESLHDPR/206
Sick Leave Management SESLHDPR/412
Sickle Cell Crisis - Management of Patients Presenting in Sickle Cell Crisis SESLHDPR/609
Smoke-free Health Service Procedure SESLHDPR/316
Smoking Cessation Brief Intervention in Maternity Services SESLHDPR/632
Social Media SESLHDPD/244
Sodium Thiosulfate in Calciphylaxis SESLHDPR/659
St George Hospital Trauma Hotline Use and Referral SESLHDPR/381
Staff Specialists and Visiting Practitioners - Facility Fees / Licence to Occupy Charges SESLHDPR/429
Standardised mobility terminology for use across SESLHD SESLHDGL/047
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA and MRSA) decolonisation SESLHDPR/681
Statewide Eyesight Preschool Screening Program (StEPS) for visual acuity using the HOTV logMAR Chart SESLHDPR/237
Sterilisation - Records Management SESLHDPR/514
Sterilisation - Release of Reusable Medical Devices SESLHDPR/546
Sterilisation: Cleaning of Reprocessing Equipment and the Reprocessing Facility SESLHDPR/519
Sterilisation: Control of nonconforming Reusable Medical Devices (RMD) and Recall of RMD’s SESLHDPR/504
Sterilisation: Definitive Cleaning of Reusable Medical Devices and Equipment SESLHDPR/495
Sterilisation: Designation of Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) to a Product Family SESLHDPR/627
Sterilisation: Handling Transport and Storage of Sterile Reusable Medical Devices SESLHDPR/525
Sterilisation: Inspection, Assembly, Packaging and Wrapping of Post Cleaned Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) SESLHDPR/306
Sterilisation: Loading and Unloading of Equipment used to Reprocess Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) SESLHDPR/518
Sterilisation: Purchasing of Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) and reprocessing equipment SESLHDPR/307
Sterilisation: Reprocessing Equipment – Preventative Maintenance SESLHDPR/503
Sterilisation: Reusable Medical Devices (RMDs) on Loan SESLHDPR/249 Under Review
Sterilisation: Routine Monitoring of Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilising Processes SESLHDPR/548
Sterilisation: Staff Training and Competencies SESLHDPR/527
Sterilisation: Sterilisation Processes SESLHDPR/517
Sterilisation: Traceability of Reprocessed Reusable Medical Devices SESLHDPR/526
Sterilisation: Validation of Sterilisers SESLHDPR/636
Sterilisation: Validation of Washer/Disinfectors SESLHDPR/524
Storage and Retention of standardised testing protocols SESLHDPR/686
Storage of ED Management Plans SESLHDPR/709
Storage of sterile stock and non-sterile supply within a clinical area SESLHDPR/723
Student Clinical Placements in SESLHD Facilities SESLHDPR/326 
Student Documentation within Cerner eMR SESLHDPR/509
Subcutaneous Furosemide for end stage heart failure with fluid overload in the dying patient
Subcutaneous Ketamine for Refractory Neuropathic Pain in the Palliative Care Setting
Subcutaneous levetiracetam for seizure management in palliative care patients
Subcutaneous levomepromazine for refractory nausea in the palliative care patient and agitation in the terminal phase
Subcutaneous lidocaine for refractory neuropathic pain in the palliative care setting
Subcutaneous Needle Insertion and Management SESLHDPR/19
Subcutaneous phenobarbital for refractory terminal agitation and uncontrolled seizure (including status epilepticus) in the imminently dying patient
System Accreditation Policy SESLHDPD/316
Use of mesh in sacrocolpopexy and related procedures SESLHDPR/747
Work Health and Safety - Safe Work Procedures Development Procedure SESLHDPR/342
Work Health and Safety - Statement of Commitment Procedure