Policies & Publications - P

Title Document Number Last Reviewed
Acute Pain Management in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit: Intravenous Opioid Pain Protocol for Adults Fentanyl, HYDROmorphone (Dilaudid), Morphine and Oxycodone

Administration of Subcutaneous Medications in Palliative Care using a NIPRO Surefuser™ SESLHDPR/666
Administration of subcutaneous medications in Palliative Care: a) Intermittent b) Via a syringe driver SESLHDPR/175
Assessment and Documentation to Verify Death -  Palliative Care Community Nurses SESLHDPR/492
Assessment and Management of Acute Adult Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department (ED) and Trauma wards using the Abbreviated – Westmead Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (A-WPTAS) and Post Traumatic Amnesia Testing (PTA) SESLHDPR/737
Assessment of Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) Retinopathy SESLHDGL/106
Consumers and Carer Representatives - Paid participation in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) Committees SESLHDPR/523
COVID-19 - End of Life Symptom Management SESLHDGL/101
Diabetes - Management of Pre-Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy SESLHDGL/116
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccination for Ante/Postnatal Women SESLHDPD/279
Dispensing of Medications for Patient Take-Home Use using Paper Prescription generated by eMEDs (Prescription Output Version 2) SESLHDPR/743
Electrical Devices – Patient Use of Personal Electrical Devices SESLHDPD/290
Employee Probation Period SESLHDPR/647
Forensic Medical Photography for Sexual Assault Services SESLHDPR/777
Framework for Governance of Policy Documents SESLHDHB/019
Governance of Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) or Elastomeric Respirators SESLHDPR/688
Management of Surgical Plume in the Perioperative Environment SESLHDPR/301
Nursing and Midwifery Delegation: Ordering of Pathology and Imaging in eMR SESLHDPD/303
Opioid conversion for palliative pain management in opioid tolerant adults SESLHDPR/772
Paediatric (greater than one year) Pain Protocol for use in Post Anaesthetic Care Units (PACU) SESLHDPR/612
Paediatric Policies - Use in SESLHD SESLHDGL/064
Pain Management - Epidural Analgesia (Adult) non-obstetric SESLHDPR/324
Pain Management - Opioid Withdrawal in Patients on Long Term Opioid Medications SESLHDPR/603
Pain Management - Peripheral Nerve Analgesia (PNA) SESLHDPR/372
Pain Management- Ketamine Infusions for Adult Patients with Acute and Chronic Non- Cancer Pain
Palliative Care: administration of Adult Subcutaneous fluid SESLHDPR/422
Patient Registration - Patient Administration System (PAS) SESLHDPR/490
Patient’s Own Medications (POMs) – Handling and Storage in Hospital SESLHDPR/758
Pentamidine Aerosolised Therapy in Adults SESLHDPR/696
Performance and Talent SESLHDPR/415
Perioperative Suite - Ensuring that only duly authorised persons are able to enter SESLHD Perioperative Suites SESLHDPR/207
Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation (PIVC) Insertion, Care and Removal (Adults) SESLHDPR/577
Phentolamine in the treatment of dermal necrosis or sloughing following extravasation of peripherally administered noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
Photography and Recording of Patients SESLHDPD/327
Polymyxin B IV for infections outside of the urinary tract SESLHDPR/573
Postoperative Mobilisation SESLHDGL/061
Pre-Operative / Procedural Fasting for Patients Undergoing Anaesthesia SESLHDGL/062
Preferred ICT Platforms for Collaboration and Video Conferencing within SESLHD SESLHDPD/334
Preparation, Storage and Safe Use of Infant Formula SESLHDGL/085
Prescription Forms - Secure Storage SESLHDPR/235
Pressure Injuries - screening, preventing and managing SESLHDPD/326
Pressure injury screening, prevention and management in maternity services SESLHDPR/740
Prevention and Management of Opioid Induced Constipation in Advanced Palliative Care Patients SESLHDGL/111
Product – Clinical Product Notices, Recalls and Safety Alerts SESLHDPR/319
Progression within the Health Manager Salary Band SESLHDPR/321
Promoting a positive and respectful workplace – Preventing and managing workplace bullying and harassment SESLHDPR/290
Public Interest Disclosures (PID) and Corrupt Conduct Reporting SESLHDPD/266
Referral to Palliative Care SESLHDGL/100
Reporting of Clinical Product Faults/Quality Issues SESLHDPR/419
Scope of clinical practice for non-specialist doctors SESLHDGL/103
Sedation: Procedural Sedation (Adults, Ward, Clinic and Imaging areas) SESLHDPR/528
SESLHD Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) Discharge Guidelines, Post-Operative Adult and Maternity Patients SESLHDGL/049
Storage and Retention of standardised testing protocols SESLHDPR/686
Upload of Advance Care Planning Documents into the Patient Electronic Medical Record (eMR) SESLHDPR/643
Use of Barcode Scanning within the Dispensing Process in SESLHD Pharmacy Departments SESLHDPR/773
Wound - Managing Pain at Dressing Change SESLHDPR/437