Consumer Participation and Advisory Committee (CPAC)

cpacThe Royal team recognise that health consumers look at health care through a different lens and bring different experiences and advice. The RHW Consumer Participation and Advisory Committee (CPAC) is a forum where RHW executive and staff work closely with consumers towards creating a health service that more appropriately meets the needs of the families who entrust their care to our organisation.

Our consumers are all ages and have a wide range of experiences, for example:

  • Baby in a neonatal intensive Care Unit
  • Gynaecological or breast Cancer
  • Pregnancy and Birth
  • Menopause

And some consumers are simply passionate about just making things better.

If you would like to discuss your interest further, please contact us via the following email:

You can make a difference by applying to join the Consumer Participation and Advisory Committee (CPAC) for the Royal Hospital for Women (RHW) by: 

  • Providing a community voice for women’s health needs
  • Playing an important role in hospital planning and delivery of care
  • Having the opportunity to discuss women’s health issues with senior management
  • Being involved in hospital projects and new initiatives in women’s health
  • Engaging with hospital staff to advocate for the community regarding hospital services
  • Assisting with the development of consumer and patient information
  • Working with hospital staff to improve the quality and delivery of health services for all women

A RHW Consumer Participation and Advisory Committee (CPAC) member’s contribution and role may include: 

  • Raising community awareness about RHW hospital services
  • Acting as a link between the local community and the hospital
  • Talking to people in their community and social networks and providing feedback on issues
  • Participating in a hospital committee and/or working groups
  • Building cooperation between the community and the hospital

The services offered at RHW are tailored to the unique health care needs of women and their families. RHW invites all people including those with cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds who:

  • Are interested in health issues for women and know the local community
  • Have been a consumer of RHW health services in the past
  • Want to support the hospital
  • Are prepared to use their good communication skills with people of all levels
  • Will participate by attending regular CPAC meetings which are held monthly for 1 hour or become a member of another hospital committee or working group

All CPAC members get assigned a buddy to help navigate the meetings and provide orientation