Maternity Antenatal Postnatal Service (MAPS)

In this model, care is provided by a known midwife who works in a small team. This known midwife with the support of the small team will provide continuity of care during your pregnancy and after the baby is born. The aim is to provide woman centred care, supporting the woman and her family on the early parenting journey.

The MAPS midwives are trained in normal pregnancy and postnatal care. For most women your team will be able to provide the majority of your care. However, if the need for a medical consultation or referral is needed the team can organise this and continue to see you, working with the doctors to maintain continuity for you. MAPS midwives do not provide care in birthing.

Information for Women

  • Continuity of care with your named midwife before and after baby is born.
  • Mobile phone contact for NON-URGENT e.g. appointment changes, informing you have had a blood test/ultrasound.
  • Location may be more convenient e.g. hospital antenatal clinic.

It is recommended that several months before you are planning to become pregnant you see your GP to discuss optimising your health and other issues such as rubella immunity, folic acid intake. At this time it is good to research different options for your maternity care.

If you are already pregnant see your GP as soon as possible.

You will have your pregnancy care with your known midwife (and doctors if needed) at the hospital.

You would give birth to your baby in the hospital birth unit. A birth unit midwife will look after you during your labour and birth. If for any reason during your labour you need a doctor they are always available.

You usually spend 2-4 hours in the birth unit before being transferred up to the postnatal ward.  Some women who have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth may go home 4 hours after the birth with MAPS midwifery support.

When you go home, the MAPS midwife will visit you in your home until baby is about 10-14 days old.

If you require emergency medical help and you are less than 20 weeks pregnant please attend or contact the Prince of Wales Emergency department.  If it is a non-urgent problem contact your GP (some GPs provide an afterhours service) who will assess your condition and may refer you to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS) at the hospital the following day.

For any labour related issues and URGENT concerns over 20 weeks contact the birthing unit triage on 0439 869 035 24 hours a day.

You can call your midwife between 8:00am and 4:30pm (some may only work certain days, so if you urgently need an answer please call triage underlined above). Otherwise the midwives will assist you as soon as they can with:

  • Answering any concerns/questions you may have about the program.
  • Explaining various services at the hospital.
  • Providing you with information on pregnancy, birth and after the baby is born.

Despite The Royal Hospital for Women providing a large number of MAPS midwives and teams occasionally there may be limited availability. If you live outside of the hospital area we are not be able to provide postnatal visits in the home.