Private Obstetricians
The Royal Hospital for Women works with many experienced Obstetricians. You may choose to have your pregnancy care with a private Obstetrician. Obstetricians provide continuity of care for women with pregnancies that are progressing normally, as well as for women with health conditions or complications in pregnancy.
During your labour and birth, you will be cared and supported by the Birthing Unit midwives and your chosen Obstetrician. Should you require assistance during birth, such as an instrumental or caesarean birth, then your Obstetrician would provide this. Your Obstetrician will follow you up following your birth.
You will require a referral from your GP to the obstetrician. Each obstetrician has different arrangements regarding insurance and professional fees. For a list of consultant obstetricians undertaking private practice at the Royal Hospital for Women, click here.