Local Operating Procedures: Neonatal Click here to Newborn Care Centre Guidelines Title Antidepressants in pregnancy-neonatal observations and interventions C-MAC® Video Laryngoscope – Care and Maintenance Contact Collaborative Care Guildelines COVID-19 : Newborn infants born to women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Eye – Nasolacrimal duct obstruction eye care for a Neonate Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Sepsis – Monitoring and Management of a Neonate Hypoglycaemia - Monitoring and management of at risk neonates Identification and Security of Neonate Intravenous Cannula Care in Postnatal Wards - Neonate Jaundice Neonatal - identification and management in neonates - MoHGL2016/027 Neonatal Observations outside Newborn Care Centre Neonatal Withdrawal and Intoxication Syndrome - Management Newborn Blood Spot Screening - MoHPD2016/15 Pulse Oximetry Screening of Newborns Recognition and management of neonate who is clinically deteriorating outside of Newborn Care Centre