Neonatal Nursing Guidelines

Antineoplastic Medications - Administration in Newborn Care Centre

Arterial Line - Blood Sampling

Arterial Line - Peripheral and umbilical Intra-arterial line set up

Blood Culture – Blood Culture Collection

Blood product transfusion - Neonate

Breastfeeding - First Expression - Refer to LOPs Lactation/Infant Feeding topic

Chest Drain - set up

Continuous Enteral Feeding

Co-Bedding in the Newborn Care Centre

Cooling Therapy - Arctic Sun Set Up

Deteriorating Neonate - Recognition and management inside Newborn Care Centre

Deteriorating Neonate - Recognition and management outside of Newborn Care Centre

Drager Babylog VN 500 set up

ECG - Performing a 12 lead ECG

Endotracheal tube taping and securement using Neobar

Enteral Feed Warming - Calesca

Expressed breast milk - storage for mothers on Macquarie ward


Eye – Administration of eye drops to a neonate

Eye – Preparing the neonate for eye examination

Eye - Nasolacrimal duct obstruction eye care

Gastrostomy and gastrostomy device management

Getinge Servo-N ventilator set-up- Refer to Maquet

Heel prick for blood sampling

Humidification - Drager Isolette

Humidification - Drager BabyLeo TN500

Humidification GE Giraffe Omnibed

Humidified and heated gas for preterm infants at birth

Insuflon catheter device-insertion and removal

Intra-abdominal Pressure Monitoring in Neonates

Intragastric Tube Insertion and Maintenance

Intravenous Line Management

Immuno-Supportive Oral Care (ISOC)

Kangaroo Care for ventilated and non-ventilated neonates

Maquet (Getinge) Servo-N ventilator set up

Mobile phones and other communications devices - cleaning

MRI - MedVac Immobiliser

Nasal ETT strapping

Nasopharyngeal aspirate - collection

NAVA Nursing Management for Invasive Mode

NAVA Nursing Management for Non-Invasive Mode

NAVA set up

Neobar - Refer to Endotracheal tube taping and securement using Neobar


Neonatal abstinence syndrome - management - Refer to LOPs Neonatal Topic

Neonatal Observations Guideline outside newborn care centre- Refer to LOPs Neonatal Topic

N-PASS-Neonatal Pain and Sedation Score

Olympic Brainz monitor (aEEG)

Pasteurised Donor Human Milk - Newborn Care Centre

Peripheral Intravenous Cannula Insertion and Dressing

PICC Line - Insertion and management

PICC Line – Insertion of percutaneous intravenous central catheter (video)

PICC Removal

Post-operative Care

Replogle Tube - Setup and Insertion of Replogle Tube

Silastic Tubes (Gastric Insertion)

Sterile aseptic procedures - scrubbing and closed gloving

Suction - Closed Tracheal Suction from an Endotrachael Tube

Surfactant – Administering surfactant via ETT

Swaddled bathing of neonates

Total Parenteral Nutrition - Infusion Line Change

Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring - Sentec Device

Transfer of Infant from Incubator to Cot

Transfer of neonate on Non-Invasive respiratory support outside of newborn care centre

Transfer of self ventilating neonate outside of newborn care centre

Transfer of ventilated neonate outside of newborn care centre

Transfusion of blood products - Refer to Blood Product transfusion - neonate

Transpyloric Tube - Insertion and Management

Umbilical catheters