C-MAC® Video Laryngoscope – Care and Maintenance
Caesarean Birth - Maternal Preparation and Receiving the Neonate(s)
Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD) & Midline Catheter Management for Adults
Cervical Catheterisation for Mechanical Cervical Preparation
Cervical Screening for Pregnant and Postnatal Women
Cervical Suture/Cerclage - Removal
Child Protection
Cholestasis of Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Management
Collaborative and Contract Care Arrangement Guidelines
Comprehensive Care
Contact Collaborative Care Guildelines
Contract Collaborative Care Guidelines
Cord Presentation and Prolapse
Corticosteroids - for women at risk of preterm birth or with a fetus at risk of respiratory distress - antenatal - MoHGL2022_006
COVID-19 : Newborn infants born to women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
Critical Bleeding Protocol - POWH/RHW - INTERNAL ONLY
Removal of clips and/or sutures
RHW Close Observation Unit: Admission, Escalation, Transfer and Discharge