Elective Surgical Patients - Booking Process and Pre-Admission
Follow up After Birth (FAB) Clinic - Postnatal Symptom Assessment
Management of Surgical Plume in the Perioperative Environment SESLHDPR301
Pain Management - Ketamine Infusions for Adult Patients with Acute and Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Pain Management Guidelines - Gynae Oncology
Pain Management Guidelines Caesarean Section 2023
Pain Protocol (Ketamine) - Recovery Room only
Parenteral Nutrition - Adult
Parvovirus B19 Screening and Management in Pregnancy
Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) - intravenous
Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Remifentanil - in labour
Perineal/Genital tract trauma - primary and secondary management
Pharmaceutical representatives - policies and procedures
Phototherapy Treatment at Home
Physiotherapy - Emergency/Out of Hours Consultation
Placenta - Removal from Hospital by Parents
Placenta Praevia/Low-lying Placenta
Placental Examination and Indications for Referral to Pathology
Post-operative Pain Management Guidelines Laparoscopy - Benign Gynaecology
Post-operative Pain Management Guidelines Laparotomy - Benign Gynaecology
Post-operative Pain Management Guidelines- Brachytherapy
Postdates - Management of Pregnancy beyond 41 weeks gestation
Postnatal Consultation at 6-8 Weeks Postpartum
Postnatal Observations
Postpartum Haemorrhage – Prevention and Management
Pre-Eclampsia - Intrapartum Care
Pressure injury prevention and management - MoH PD2014_007
Preterm Labour - Diagnosis and Management - MoHGL2022-006
Prevention of Preterm Birth - progesterone
Prostaglandin Administration for Cervical Preparation
Stillbirths, Fetal and Neonatal Deaths - Post Delivery Care and Creation of Memorabilia