Babies - Safe Sleeping Practice - MoHPD2019/038
Eye – Nasolacrimal duct obstruction eye care for a Neonate
Guidelines for the Management of Substance Use During Pregnancy Birth and the Postnatal Period - MoHGL2014_022
Management of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) - MoHP2019/035
Management of Surgical Plume in the Perioperative Environment SESLHDPR301
Medication - Schedule 4D and Schedule 8
Perinatal Death (stillbirth and neonatal): Diagnosis, Investigation, Birth, Documentation, Transport and follow-up
Safety Alerts, Notices and Product Recalls
Second Stage Labour - Recognition of Normal Progress and Management of Delay
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) / Blood Born Viruses (BBV) Antenatal Screening and Treatment
Shoulder Dystocia
Sotalol Hydrochloride
Specialist Obstetrician – Ward Rounds, Handover, Conditions and Procedures Requiring attendance
Standing Orders Pharmacy - INTERNAL ONLY
Sterile Water Injections for Relief of Low Back Pain in Labour
Stillbirths, Fetal and Neonatal Deaths - Post Delivery Care and Creation of Memorabilia
Supplementary Feeding of Breastfed Babies in the Postnatal Period
Suppression of Lactation or Weaning
Suprapubic Catheter (SPC) Care and Clamp and Release Regime
Surgical Bundle for Abdominal Surgery
Sweeping Membranes to encourage spontaneous labour