Connect to the Internet with free Wi-Fi

We have free Wi-Fi available for patients, family and visitors to connect to the internet with their smartphone, tablet, laptop or Wi-Fi enabled device.

Follow these steps to connect with our Wi-Fi:

  1. Open your device, go to Wi-Fi settings and choose the following network: NSW_Health_Guest_WiFi_SESLHD
  2. The Wi-Fi welcome page should display. If not, contact the Service Centre below.
  3. The page will ask you about which hospital you are visiting. Select Prince of Wales Hospital & Community Health Services.
  4. Select: Create a new account.
  5. Select: Free Service.
  6. Complete the registration form. Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.
  7. Select: Continue. You will now be connected to the Internet.

For any connection issues, please contact Hills Health Solution Service Centre on 1800 063 829 or