Contact Us

If you are in need of urgent medical attention, please call 000 or go to the Prince of Wales Hospital Emergency Department. The entrance is via Magill St, Randwick.

The Prince of Wales Hospital is located in Randwick in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. Entry to the hospital via Barker Street or High Street.

Telephone: (02) 9382 2222

Postal address: Prince of Wales Hospital, Barker Street, Randwick, NSW 2031


Maps and information about how to get to the Randwick Campus

Help for people with hearing or speech difficulties

You can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS) by following these steps:

1. Select your preferred call channel from NRS call numbers and links.

2. Provide the NRS with our phone number (02) 9382 2222. 

Help for people with languages other than English

Contact us using a telephone interpreter. Call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National on 131 450. Tell the operator what language you speak then ask the interpreter to arrange a conversation with us.

Compliments, complaints and suggestions

Our hospital aims to provide you with the best health service possible. We want feedback from patients, families and friends so we can see what is working well and what we can improve. You can make a compliment, complaint or suggestion in many ways.

  • Provide your feedback to the Nursing Unit Manager of your ward or service area. You can provide feedback face to face or via email or letter.
  • Provide your feedback to our Hospital's Consumer Feedback Manager by telephoning (02) 9382 2755, emailing or writing a letter to: Consumer Feedback Manager, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW 2031.
  • Share your story anonymously on the website Care Opinion  A relevant staff member will follow up with you and act on your feedback. For information on how Care Opinion works watch their video

    Medical Records

    Patients/clients/consumers have a legal right to apply for access to their health information a health service holds about them.  They may also give consent to an authorised representative or a third party to access this information on their behalf.