Our Performance

At Prince of Wales Hospital we want to provide safe, high quality health care. We use data to understand how we are performing against other Hospitals. We also ask our patients about their experience in our Hospital. We use this information to strengthen what is working well and improve on what is not working well.

Our Hospital wants to understand your values, needs and concerns at all stages of your care. We want to ensure you feel safe and confident in the quality of our care.

We ask 60 - 80 patients per month to complete a survey to understand their experience in our Hospital. The Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Healthcare designed the survey questions. The survey is available in many languages. We do not collect personal information and responses remain confidential. Our management and staff review the survey findings. We discuss patterns and themes not individual responses. We identify where and how to improve our care. The findings often lead to specific quality improvement projects.

These are the current survey results for our Hospital:

Patient survey results

Past results:

2022/2023 Patient Survey Results

2021/2022 Patient Survey Results

2020/2021 Patient Survey Results

Our Hospital regularly looks at quality and safety data to see how we are doing against other Hospitals. Our measures include:

Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is the best way to stop germs spreading from one patient to another. Our staff should clean their hands before and after they care for each patient. We do regular hand hygiene audits. This means we monitor how often and how well our staff clean their hands.  


When people are unwell they can be more likely to get an infection. Hospitals have a range of procedures to reduce the chance of this happening. We also monitor any cases of rare but serious infections like Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteraemia (also known as ‘golden staph’).

Pressure Injuries

Anyone who needs to be in a bed or chair for a long time is at risk of developing of pressure injury. They are most common on bony parts of the body like the hip, tail bone, or heel. Hospitals use a variety of different ways to prevent and treat pressure injuries.

Falls with harm

Hospitals are unfamiliar places and patients may be weak, dizzy, or less steady than they expect. A fall in hospital can delay a patient’s recovery. In older people, it can contribute to a loss of independence. Hospitals use a variety of ways to help reduce the risk of a fall occurring.

Wrong patient, procedure or surgery site

Many patients come to hospital to have a procedure or surgery. We ask patients to tell us who they are many times during their hospital stay ensure that every patient receives the care intended for them and not someone else. Sometimes errors can occur and this can cause harm to the patient and, in rare cases, death. We report and investigate these cases to help prevent future errors.

These are the current quality and safety measures for our Hospital:

Quality and safety results