Program of Research
Health and Cultural Diversity
- Crowne Plaza International Research team Study
- Emotional wellbeing among pre-registered nurses across three continents
- Psychometric testing of the Mental Health index in Arabic students
- Measuring Acculturation and Health of Indian women Living in Australia (MAHILA)
- Psychometric testing of acculturation instrument
- Heart disease among Asian Indian women
- Developing elements of Effective Interventions for Heart Disease Reduction and Maintenance in Asian Indians Living in Australia (DHARMA) Project
- Medications adherence in Asian Indian communities
- Blood donation among African communities
Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety
- Peripheral vascular devices following breast surgery
- Experiences of women relating to cannulation
- Survey of current canulation practices
- Safe Administration of Medications (SAM)
- Attitudes towards Opiod administration
- Medication safety among transitional nurses
- Medication adherence
- Falls prevention
- Preventing harm from falls in acute settings
- Preventing harm from falls in aged care settings
- Total parenteral nutrition
- Prevention and management of Acute Wounds
- Water for wound cleansing
- Pressure ulcer prevention
- Clinical informatics
- Point of care technology
- Improving patient safety in patients following bypass surgery (CABG)
Chronic Disease Management
- Wrist to Heart (W2H) Keeping the artery open
- ATLAS AnxieTy, health Literacy and radial Artery Spasm
- Ulnar artery cannulation
- Radial artery occlusion
- Health literacy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures
- Heart disease
- Radiation prevention in interventional cardiologists
- Sternal stabilization treatments
- Surgical site infections
- Prevention and management of Chronic Wounds
- Water for wound cleansing
- Quality of life of patients with chronic wounds
- Cancer Care
- Quality of life of patients following Peritonectomy
- Quality of life of carers of patients having Peritonectomy
- Health literacy in patients having Peritonectomy
- Health literacy in patients having Ciirhosis of the liver
Education and Workforce Development
- Nursing perceptions of workplace environment
- Pursuit of Clinical Excellence Among Clinical Nurse Consultants- PEC Study
- Postgraduate students’ attitude about statistics (SATS)
- CNE leadership and mentorship
- Productive ward
Research Methodologies
- Systematic reviews meta-analysis and meta-synthesis
- Psychometric testing and instrument development
- Cross sectional surveys
- Mixed methods
- Translational research