Education and Outreach
Medical Education
Friday surgical trainee teaching
Trauma teaching sessions are held at least one Friday per month at 0730 hours and are a valuable learning resource for all surgical trainees. A general email is sent to all staff one week prior to notify upcoming teaching session and poster notification can also be found at the trauma offices.
We are in the process of recording the surgical trainee teaching sessions which will soon be available on this site.
Surgical Grand rounds
The trauma service presents several times a year at surgical grand rounds, generally on a series of cases with salient learning aspects.
Medical Students
The Trauma Service conducts regular University of New South Wales medical student tutorials dependent on the current curriculum. The Trauma Service also hosts medical students throughout their practical placements who participate in trauma patients rounds and are encouraged to participate in research and educational opportunities.
Surgical orientation
All surgical trainees attend a trauma orientation session where the trauma system and expectations are explained and they are provided with a Trauma Resource Manual.
Trauma Ultrasound Course
The St George Trauma Service held its first Trauma Ultrasound Course in March 2015. This one day course, which is RACS accredited, focuses on covering skills including EFAST, vascular access, musculoskeletal, and ocular USS. The next course will be held on Friday 28th August, 2015.
Early Management of Severe Trauma Course
St George Hospital Trauma Service hosts at least 5 courses a year. The EMST course is a 2.5 day intensive course in the management of injury victims in the first 1–2 hours following injury. It is adapted from the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) course of the American College of Surgeons. The emphasis is on developing life saving skills and a systematic clinical approach. It is designed for all doctors who are involved in the early treatment of serious injuries in urban or rural areas, whether or not sophisticated emergency facilities are available. On each course 4 nurse observers participate also.
Nursing Education
The St George Hospital trauma service offers two conference registration scholarships annually for nursing staff to attend a trauma conference. These scholarships enable staff to attend the Definitive Perioperative Nurse Trauma Care Course and the SWAN Trauma Conference at Liverpool each year.
Again in 2015 we are looking to send 2 nurses to the SWAN Trauma Conference to be held 31st July and 1st August 2015 and the DPNTC held on 27th-29th July 2015 at Liverpool Hospital.
We also conduct bi monthly teaching in the Emergency Department as well as for ward and critical care and perioperative nurses.
Early Management of Severe Trauma Course
The EMST course is a 2.5 day intensive course for doctors in the management of injury victims in the first 1–2 hours following injury. It is designed for all doctors who are involved in the early treatment of serious injuries in urban or rural areas, whether or not sophisticated emergency facilities are available. On each course there are 4 nurse observers who participate also. If you are interested in participating as an EMST observer, please contact Tiffany Rankin or Liz Walter.
Contact Liz Walter
Contact Tiffany Rankin
SESLHD Advanced Trauma Nursing Day
The SESLHD Advanced Trauma Nursing Day is held annually at St George Hospital and is open to nurses within the SESLHD as well as its referral network including the Illawarra, GSAHS and Murrumbidgee region. The course is funded by the St George Trauma Service and educates on the management priorities of the trauma patient. It is directed at emergency nursing staff with a minimum of 2 years emergency experience. The next Advanced Trauma Day will be held on September 18th 2015.
External Trauma Nursing Courses
The CENA Trauma Nursing Program (TNP)
Aimed at enhancing trauma care delivery of Australian nurses and consists of 2 modules; Emergency Nursing (Initial resuscitation) and trauma ward nursing.
Master of Traumatology- The University of Newcastle, Australia
For Medical, nursing and allied health staff interested in expanding their knowledge and practical skills development in the management of the trauma patient. It is an online program conducted full time over 1 year or part time over 2 years.
Multidisciplinary Education
Trauma team training
Trauma team training incorporates a series of simulation-based training scenarios that focus on team work and the initial management of the severe trauma patient. Trauma team training is held four times each year and staff members from the trauma service, emergency department, ICU, general surgery and anaesthetics are invited to participate.
Weekly Multidisciplinary Rounds
The trauma case managers host a weekly multidisciplinary meeting. Each trauma patient admission is discussed in terms of their management plan, any complications or required referrals. It is attended by the Trauma Service, ward nursing staff involved in the patient care, medical and surgical representatives from orthopaedics, neurosurgery, general surgery, rehabilitation and all allied health disciplines. This important concept of care has been demonstrated to improve patient outcomes.
Ambulance are encouraged to attend and contribute to our Friday morning teaching sessions and are invited to the St George Hospital Trauma Evening held annually.
St George Hospital Trauma Evening
Each year, the St George Hospital hosts an education evening, sponsored by ITIM, to deliver a multidisciplinary trauma education evening for staff of the SESLHD and its referral networks. The next ITIM Trauma evening at St George Hospital will be held on August 20th 2015.
Tertiary teaching
The St George hospital trauma service has a close relationship with the Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney, The College of Nursing and the University of Wollongong School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health. We regularly provide education at an undergraduate and post graduate level for acute care nursing subjects, or the post graduate certificate in critical care or emergency. In addition, we have been heavily involved in curriculum development for the Masters of Critical Care Nursing at USyd. The St George Trauma Service also works with the University of NSW to supervise ILP and Honours students.
Annual Seniors Seminar – Falls prevention/ Home safety
Since 2004 St George Hospital Trauma and Allied Health services have joined together to offer local seniors (aged 50 years and older) a Safety Seminar providing tips on home safety, access to information, and community resources and products that will help them to prevent falls and injuries. This very successful free seminar organised and coordinated by Ms Tiffany Rankin, Administration Assistant for the St George Trauma Service, has previously been held at St George Leagues Club and is currently presented at Mortdale RSL.
When an active elderly person falls at home and is admitted to hospital, they are often immobilised by their injuries and require surgery. Their length of stay in hospital may also be longer than a simple fall would require, due to pre-existing conditions commonly seen in older people who experience trauma, such as osteoporosis, heart and lung disease and the impact of certain medications.
Dates for 2016
TBA – held in conjunction with Hurstville City Councils' Seniors' Week celebrations.
To register call Ms Tiffany Rankin on 91133499