Publications and Presentations
Publications - Journal
Peer reviewed:
Munroe, B., Curtis, K., Murphy, M., Strachan, L., & Buckley, T. (2015). HIRAID: An evidence-informed emergency nursing assessment framework. Australasian Emergency Nursing, In press. doi: 10.1016/j.aenj.2015.02.001
Ogilvie, R., Foster, K., McCloughen, A., & Curtis, K. (2015 (in press)). Family members' experience of providing support for young people during the acute hospital phase of care following major injury: a qualitative study Injury. doi:
Ogilvie R, Foster K, McCloughen A & Curtis K. Young peoples' experience and self-management in the six months following major injury: a qualitative study. Injury (accepted May 2015)
Walter E & Curtis K (2015): The Role and Impact of the Specialist Trauma Nurse: An Integrative Review. Journal of trauma nursing 22, 153-169
Mitchell R, Bambach MR, Foster K, Curtis K. Risk factors associated with the severity of injury outcome for paediatric road trauma. Injury, 2015; 46, 874-882
Wiseman T, Curtis K, Lam M, Foster K. Depression Anxiety and Stress following Traumatic Injury: A longitudinal study. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine. 2015;23:29 p1-9.
Unsworth A, Curtis K, Asha S. Treatments for blunt chest trauma and their impact on patient outcomes and health service delivery. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2015;23(1):17.
Clements A, Curtis K, Horvat L, Shaban RZ. The effect of a nurse team leader on communication and leadership in major trauma resuscitations. International Emergency Nursing. 2015;23(1):3-7.
Crouch R, McHale H, Palfrey R, Curtis K. The trauma nurse coordinator in England: a survey of demographics, roles and resources. International Emergency Nursing. 2015;23(1):8-12.
2014 and In Press:
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. The Burden of Youth: Major Traumatic Injury in Adolescents and Young Adults Managed in the Australian Capital Territory. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 2014;21(5):218-227
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. Incidence and outcomes of major trauma patients managed in the Australian Capital Territory. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2014;84(6):433-437.
Leonard L, Curtis K. Are Australian and New Zealand Trauma Service Resources reflective of the Australasian Trauma Verification Criteria? ANZ Journal of Surgery. Published online 13th February 2014, DOI: 10.1111/ans.12381
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, McCloughen A, Foster K. Major trauma in the Australian Capital Territory. ANZ Journal of Surgery. Published online 24 Jan 2014, DOI: 10.1111/ans.12524
Asha SE, Keady J, Curtis K, Kohan S. Factors associated with in-hospital death among elderly patients sustaining a traumatic subdural haemorrhage. Emergency Medicine (accepted 9th April 2014).
Dutton M, Chiarella EM, Curtis K. The role of the wound care nurse. British Journal of Community Nursing. 2014;19(3):S39-47.
Curtis K, Mitchell R, Lam M, Dickson C, McDonnell K. Major Trauma: The unseen financial burden to trauma centres, a descriptive multi-centre analysis. Australian Health Review. 2014;38(1):30-7
Curtis K, Lam M, Mitchell R, Black D, Taylor C, Dickson C, Jan S, Palmer CS, Langcake M & Myburgh J (2014): Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs of trauma in New South Wales, Australia. Injury 45, 279-284.
Kennedy B, Curtis K & Waters D. The personality of emergency nurses: Is it unique? Australas Emerg Nurs J (2014); 17(4): 139-45
Kennedy, B, Curtis, K & Waters, D. Is there a relationship between personality and choice of nursing speciality: an Integrative Literature Review. BMC Nursing 2014; 13 (40)- accepted for publication November 10 2014.
Taylor C, Curtis K, Jan S & Newcombe M. Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) over-triage and the financial implications for major trauma centres in NSW, Australia. BMC Emergency Medicine June 2013, 13:11
Dinh M, Curtis K, Ivers R. The effectiveness of helmets in reducing head injuries and hospital treatment costs in Sydney, Australia. A multicentre study. Med J Aust 2013; 198 (8): 415-417
Mitchell R, Curtis K, Chong S, Holland AJ, Soundappan SVS, Wilson KL, Cass DT. Comparative analysis of trends in paediatric trauma outcomes in Australia. Injury, 2013, 44:97-103
Wiseman T, Foster K & Curtis K. Mental health following traumatic physical injury: an Integrative literature review. Injury. 2013;44(11):1383-1390
Curtis K, Lam M, Mitchell R, Black D, Taylor C, Dickson C, Jan S, Langcake M, Myburgh J. Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs of trauma in New South Wales, Australia. Injury (doi 10.1016/j.injury.2012.10.002)
McIntosh AS, Curtis K, Rankin T, Cox M, Pang TY, McCrory P & Finch C. Associations between helmet use and brain injuries amongst injured pedal- and motor-cyclists: A case series analysis of trauma centre presentations. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety 2013; 24, 11-20.
Munroe B, Curtis K, Considine J, Buckley T. The Impact Structured Patient Assessment Frameworks Have on Patient Care: An Integrative Review. Journal of Clinical Nursing (2013 Early online DOI: 10.1111/jocn.12226)
Curtis K, Chan D, Lam M, Mitchell R, King K, Leonard L, D'Amours S, Black D. The profile and cost of major trauma in older people in New South Wales, Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing (online June 2013 DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12059) Mitchell R, Curtis K, Holland AJ, Balogh ZJ, Evans, J, Wilson K (2013).
Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs for major paediatric trauma in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child. 49(7):557-63
Asha SE, Curtis KA, Taylor C, Kwok A. Patient-controlled analgesia compared with interval analgesic dosing for reducing complications in blunt thoracic trauma: a retrospective cohort study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 2012. doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-201980
Curtis K, Leonard E: The Trauma Nurse Coordinator in Australia and New Zealand: Demographics, Role and Professional Development. Journal of trauma nursing 2012, 19(4):214-220.
Ogilvie R, Foster K, McCloughen A & Curtis K. The experience of surviving life-threatening injury: a qualitative synthesis. International Nursing Review, 2012, 59(3):312-320.
Taylor C, Jan S, Curtis K, Tzannes A, Li Q, Palmer C & Myburgh J (2012). The cost-effectiveness of physician staffed Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) transport to a major trauma centre in NSW, Australia. Injury, 43; 1843–1849
Dutton M & Curtis K (2012). Well-wound therapy: use of NPWT to prevent laparotomy breakdown. Journal of wound care, 21(8);386-8
Willenberg L, Curtis K, Taylor C, Jan S, Glass P, Myburgh J (2012). The variation of acute treatment costs of trauma in high-income countries. BMC Health Services Research, 12(1):267
Curtis K, Mitchell R.J, Chong S.S, Balogh Z.J, Reed D.J, Clark P.T, D'Amours S, Black D.A, Langcake M.E, Taylor C.J, McDougall P.A, Cameron P.A (2012). Injury trends and mortality in severely injured adults in NSW. Medical Journal of Australia, 197(4): 233-237
Clements A & Curtis K (2012). What is impact of nursing roles in hospital patient resuscitation? Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 15(2): 108-115.
Mitchell R, Curtis K, Fisher M (2012). Understanding trauma as a men's health issue: gender differences in traumatic injury presentations at a level 1 trauma centre in Australia. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 19(2), 80-88.
Curtis K, Caldwell E, Delprado A, Munroe B (2012). Traumatic Injury in Australia and New Zealand. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 15(1); 45-54.
Frydenberg E, Curtis K, Chong S, Poulos R, Grzebieta R, Steel T, Nau T (2012). Road Trauma, patterns of injury and mortality in an Australian trauma centre. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 23(1):21-28.
Asha S, Curtis KA, Grant N, Taylor C, Lo S, Smart R, et al (2012). Comparison of radiation exposure of trauma patients from diagnostic radiology procedures before and after the introduction of a panscan protocol. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 24(1):43-51.
Mitchell R, Watson W, Curtis K, Harris I & McDougall P (2012). Difficulties in establishing long-term trauma outcomes data collections. Could trauma outcomes be routinely monitored in New South Wales, Australia: piloting a 3 month follow-up? Injury, 43(1): 96-102
Mitchell R, Williamson A, Curtis K (2011). What is the potential of trauma registry data to be used for road traffic injury surveillance and informing road safety policy? Journal of Safety Research. 42(5):345-350
Wiseman T & Curtis K. Gunshot wounds to the leg causing neurovascular compromise – A case study (2011). Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 4(4):264-69
Munroe B & Curtis K. Assessment, monitoring and emergency nursing care in blunt chest injury: A Case Study (2011). Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 14(4);257-263
Kourouche, S, Curtis K, Watson W, Mitchell R, Rankin T, Chong S (2011). Identifying risk and raising awareness in Older Person Trauma: A trauma centre initiative. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 18(3); 163-172.
Curtis K, Chong S, Mitchell R, Newcombe M, Black D, Langcake M (2011). Outcomes of Severely Injured Adult Trauma Patients in an Australian Health Service: Does trauma centre level make a difference? World Journal of Surgery. 35; 2332-2340
Curtis K, Mitchell R, Dickson C, Black D, Lam M (2011). Do AR-DRGs adequately describe the trauma patient episode in New South Wales, Australia? Health Information Management Journal. 40(1):7-13.
Murphy M, Seggie J, Edwards C, Curtis K (2011). Emergency Department Trauma Redesign in a Level 1 Trauma Centre. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 14 (1):50-8
Curtis K, Tzannes A & Rudge T (2011). How to talk to Doctors – A guide for effective communication. International Nursing Review. 58(1),13-20
Curtis K, Olivier J, Mitchell R, Cook A, Rankin T, Rana A, Watson W, Nau T (2011). Evaluation of a Tiered Trauma Call System in a Level 1 Trauma Centre. Injury, 42(1): 57–62
Curtis K & Asha S (2010). Blunt cardiac injury as a result of a motor vehicle collision: A case study. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 13(4): 124-129
Ursic C & Curtis K (2010) Thoracic and Neck Trauma Part 4. International Emergency Nursing (2010) 18: 177-180
Mitchell R, Curtis K, Watson W & Nau T. Age differences in fall-related injury hospitalisations and trauma presentations. Australasian Journal on Ageing 29(3): 117-125
Ursic C & Curtis K (2010) Thoracic Trauma Injuries and Management part 3, International Emergency Nursing. 18: 158-165
Ursic C & Curtis K (2010) Thoracic Trauma Injuries and Management part 2, International Emergency Nursing. International Emergency Nursing: 99-108
Curtis K (2010) Emergency nurses—Where will we be in 25 years? Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 13: 41
Skapetis T & Curtis K (2010) Emergency Management of Dental Trauma. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 13 (1):30-34
Ursic C & Curtis K (2010). Thoracic and Neck Trauma part 1. International Emergency Nursing. International Emergency Nursing 18:47-53
Publications - Books and Book Chapters
Curtis K & Ramsden C (2015) Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics2e. Elsevier: Sydney - for release in August 2015
King K, Evans J, Curtis K. Abdominal and genitourinary trauma. In: Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics 2e. Elsevier: Sydney - for release in August 2015.
Caldwell E, Delprado A, Curtis K. An Overview of Trauma. In: Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics 2e. Elsevier: Sydney - for release in August 2015.
Langcake M, Curtis K, Ursic C. Thoracic and Neck Trauma. In: Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics 2e. Elsevier: Sydney - for release in August 2015.
Fairnsworth L, Munroe B, Curtis K. Patient assessment and essentials of care. In: Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics 2e. Elsevier: Sydney - for release in August 2015
Curtis K & Ramsden C (2011) Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics. Elsevier: Sydney
King K, Evans J, Curtis K. Abdominal and genitourinary trauma. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, eds. Emergency and Trauma Care, for nurses and paramedics. Sydney: Elsevier; 2011.
Caldwell E, Delprado A, Curtis K. An Overview of Trauma. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, eds. Emergency and Trauma Care, for nurses and paramedics. Sydney: Elsevier; 2011.
Langcake M, Curtis K, Ursic C. Thoracic and Neck Trauma. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, eds. Patient assessment and essentials of care, for nurses and paramedics. Sydney: Elsevier; 2011.
Fairnsworth L, Curtis K. Patient assessment and essentials of care. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, eds. Emergency and Trauma Care, for nurses and paramedics. Sydney: Elsevier; 2011.
Curtis K. & Ursic C. (2007). Scoring Systems in trauma. In A. Brooks. P. Mahoney. & T. Hodgetts (Eds) Pocketbook of Major Trauma: Resuscitation, diagnosis and acute management (pp. 288-296). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (2007) Emergency and Trauma Nursing. Elsevier: Sydney
Fairnsworth L & Curtis K (2007) Patient assessment and essential nursing care in Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (Eds) Emergency and Trauma Nursing (92-113) Elsevier: Sydney
Ramsden C., Curtis K., Seggie J. & Braybrooks E. (2007) Ocular Emergencies in Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (Eds) Emergency and Trauma Nursing (527-550) Elsevier: Sydney
Farrow N, Caldwell E & Curtis K (2007) Overview of Trauma in Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (Eds) Emergency and Trauma Nursing (672-692). Elsevier: Sydney
Ursic C & Curtis K (2007) Thoracic and Neck Trauma in Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (Eds) Emergency and Trauma Nursing (796-822)Elsevier: Sydney
Simpson A, Curtis K, Bonner A & Brooks A. (2007). Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma in Curtis K, Ramsden C & Friendship J (Eds) Emergency and Trauma Nursing (823-852) Elsevier: Sydney
Curtis K. Invited Speaker, Trauma 2015, 3rd October, Goldcoast. "The Trauma Coordinator, what skill set it required?"
Curtis K. Invited Speaker, Sydney Children's Hospital Network Paediatric Trauma Seminar. August 7th 2015
Curtis K. Invited Speaker. SWAN International Trauma Conference, Liverpool Hospital 31st July 2015.
Curtis K. Keynote Speaker. 8th Queensland Trauma Symposium, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, 19th 20th February 2015.
Curtis K. Keynote Speaker. 14th Rural Critical Care Conference, Tweed Heads, NSW, 22nd – 23rd August 2014
Cass D, Graham J, Kimber A, Whear M, Curtis K, Fitzgerald M, Crozier J. Death and serious injury of children on quad bikes – Royal Australasian College of Surgeons perspective. 12th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Sydney, 25-27 November 2015
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Models of trauma co-ordination – results of a national survey. London Trauma Conference, December 2014, London
Wiseman T, Curtis K, Foster K. Depression, Anxiety and Stress following Traumatic Injury: a longitudinal study. Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, McCloughen A, Foster K. Research utilisation for improved budget allocation for a Level 1 Trauma Service in the Australian Capital Territory. Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Pavlidou E, Ogilvie R, Curtis K & Fitzgerald A. Incidence and outcomes of low falls managed in the Australian Capital Territory. Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Ahmed N, Ogilvie R, Curtis K & Fitzgerald A. Horse related injury presentations to a tertiary trauma centre, Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Stephenson S, Swan M, Ogilvie R, Curtis K & Fitzgerald A. Major trauma resulting from recreational activities in the Canberra Region, Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Munroe B, Curtis K, Buckley T, Murphy M, Strachan L & Hardy J. The impact of HIRAID: an emergency nursing assessment framework on emergency nurses' satisfaction, anxiety and self-efficacy. Blacktown Mt Druitt Nursing & Midwifery Research and Innovation Committee, 23 October 2014
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Lam M, McCloughen A & Foster K. The burden of youth: major traumatic injury in adolescents and young people managed in the Australian Capital Territory, 3rd Biennial Australian Capital Region Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, 16th October 2014, Canberra
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A & Foster K. Incidence and patient outcomes of major traumatic injury managed in the Australian Capital Territory, 3rd Biennial Australian Capital Region Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, 16th October 2014, Canberra
Munroe B, Curtis K, Murphy M, Strachan L, Lewis M, Buckley T. The development of HIRAID: an evidence-based emergency nursing assessment framework and education package. 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, 18-21 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Curtis K, Morris R, Black D. Trauma nursing case management improves patient outcomes. 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, 18-21 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Kennedy B, Curtis K, Waters D. Waters Personality Profile of Emergency Nurses'. 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, 18-21 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Wiseman T, Curtis K, Foster K. Depression, Anxiety and Stress following Traumatic Injury: a longitudinal study. 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, 18-21 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Trauma Nurse Coordinators in England. 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, 18-21 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Curtis K. Paediatric Injury Prevention and Management Research Forum. Literature Review: Models of care and Paediatric injury management, 1 August 2014, Harbourview Hotel, Sydney
Curtis K. Invited Speaker. The true cost of major trauma. Trauma 2014, Australasian Trauma Society, October 3-5, 2014, Sydney
Ogilvie R, Foster K, McCloughen A & Curtis K. Surviving traumatic physical injury: a systematic synthesis of current knowledge. 15th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery & 2nd World Trauma Congress, which will be held from May 24-27th, 2014, Frankfurt, Germany
Curtis K, Mitchell R, Lam M, Dickson C. Activity-based funding and hospitalised trauma: is reimbursement for trauma treatment costs adequate? International Health Data Linkage Conference. Vancouver, Canada 28-30th April 2014
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Model of Trauma co-ordination – it there a right way? 15th International Trauma Care Conference. Telford, England 23rd - 28th March 2014.
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Trauma Nurse Coordinators in England, Major Trauma Coordinator National Conference, Salford, England, 25th November 2013
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. Incidence and outcomes of major traumatic injury in the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting (CHARM). 20-23rd August 2013.
Kennedy B, Curtis K, Waters D. The Personality Characteristics of Emergency Nurses. International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 9-12 October 2013, Melbourne
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. Incidence and outcomes of major traumatic injury in the Australian Capital Territory. International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 9-12 October 2013, Melbourne
Mitchell R, Curtis K et al. Acute care costs and predictors of higher treatment costs for major paediatric trauma in NSW. 11th Australasian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference, 11-13 Nov 2013 Fremantle, Western Australia.
Chan D, Curtis K, et al. The injury profile and acute treatment costs of major trauma in older people in New South Wales" E-Poster Presentation. Trauma Surgery Section of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, 6 – 10 May 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.
Wiseman T, Curtis K & Foster K. The incidence of depression, anxiety and stress (DAS) in trauma patients during hospital admission and 3 months post injury. Queensland Trauma Symposium 2013, 22nd February 2013, Brisbane
Clements A, Curtis K, Holzhauser K, Horvat L. The impact of a senior nurse as nurse team leader on communication and perceptions of leadership in major trauma resuscitations. 10th International Conference for Emergency Nursing, 10-12th October, Hobart
Curtis K, Mitchell R.J, Chong S, Balogh Z.J et al. Injury trends and mortality in adult patients with major trauma in NSW, 10th International Conference for Emergency Nursing, 10-12th October, Hobart
Munroe B, Curtis K, Buckley T, Considine J. The impact of a structured patient assessment on patients and clinicians. 10th International Conference for Emergency Nursing, 10-12th October, Hobart
Curtis K, Lam M, Mitchell R, Black D et al. Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs of trauma in New South Wales, Australia. Trauma 2012, 26-28th October, Perth
Leonard E, Curtis K. A snapshot: Resources currently available in trauma services throughout Australia and New Zealand. Trauma 2012, 26-28th October, Perth
Curtis K, Leonard L. Australian and New Zealand Trauma Nurse Coordinators. Who, what and where? Trauma 2012, 26-28th October, Perth
Clements A, Curtis K, Holzhauser K, Horvat L. The impact of a senior nurse as nurse team leader on communication and perceptions of leadership in major trauma resuscitations. Trauma 2012, 26-28th October, Perth
Curtis K, Mitchell R.J, Chong S, Balogh Z.J et al. Injury trends and mortality in adult patients with major trauma in NSW. Trauma 2012, 26-28th October, Perth
Dutton M, Chiarella M & Curtis K (2012). The current state of knowledge into role, context of practice and impact of the wound care nurse. 4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies Better Care, Better Life, September 2-6, Yokohama Japan
Langcake M, Invited Speaker, Whole Person Care 2nd National Symposium – Panel Session "Dealing with Uncertainty" 21st March, Sydney.
Langcake M, Invited Speaker, Senior Surgery Program "Teaching on EMST/DSTC" RACS 81st Annual Scientific Congress, 7th May, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
Langcake M, Invited Speaker, Surgical Education Program "Training Teams for Trauma", 10th May, RACS 81st Annual Scientific Congress, 7th May, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
Langcake M, Invited Speaker, Trauma Surgical Program "The Problems With Total Body Scans", 10th May, RACS 81st Annual Scientific Congress, 7th May, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
Langcake M, Invited Speaker, "Gunshot Wounds Energy Transfer", SWAN XX Trauma Conference, 28th July, Sydney
Frydenberg E, Curtis K, Chong S, Poulos R, Grzebieta R, Steel T, Nau T (2012). Road Trauma, Patterns of Injury and Mortality in an Australian Trauma Centre. Neurosurgery Section of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' Annual Scientific Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 – 10 May.
Dutton M, Chiarella M & Curtis K. The current state of knowledge into role, context of practice and impact of the wound care nurse. 10th National Australian Wound Management Association Conference. Sydney, 18 -21 March
Curtis K, Chong S, Mitchell R, Newcombe M, Black D, Langcake M (2011). Outcomes of Severely Injured Adult Trauma Patients in an Australian Health Service. Does trauma centre level make a difference? From Roadside to Recovery – Successful Systems of Trauma Care. National Trauma Research Institute. 18th – 19th November 2011, Melbourne
Willensberg L, Curtis K, Taylor C. The cost of major trauma – A systematic review From Roadside to Recovery – Successful Systems of Trauma Care. National Trauma Research Institute. 18th – 19th November 2011, Melbourne
Ogilvie R, Foster K, McCloughen A & Curtis K. Surviving traumatic physical injury: a systematic synthesis of current knowledge. National Trauma Research Institute. 18th – 19th November 2011, Melbourne – BEST FREE PAPER
Mitchell RJ, Curtis K, Chong S, Holland AJA, Soundappan SVS, Wilson K, Cass DT. Paediatric trauma outcomes in NSW: factors influencing survival. From Roadside to Recovery – Successful Systems of Trauma Care. National Trauma Research Institute. 18th – 19th November 2011, Melbourne
Langcake M (2011). From Sawbones to Saviours - A History of Civil War Surgery. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Trauma Service, 24 August 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Mitchell RJ, Curtis K, Chong S, Holland AJA, Soundappan SVS, Wilson K, Cass DT. Paediatric trauma outcomes in NSW: factors influencing survival. Understanding Mortality Data 2011 Workshop. Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian. 31st October – 1st November 2011 Brisbane.
Munroe B, Curtis K, Dwyer D, Langcake M (2011). ChIP: Chest Injury Pager - an innovative early multidisciplinary approach to blunt chest injury. 9th International Conference for Emergency Nurses. 28th September to 1st October 2011. Adelaide
Curtis K, Chong S, Mitchell R, Newcombe M, Black D, Langcake M (2011). Outcomes of Severely Injured Adult Trauma Patients in an Australian Health Service. Does trauma centre level make a difference? 9th International Conference for Emergency Nurses. 28th September to 1st October 2011. Adelaide
Langcake M (2011). The Relevance of Military Trauma Care to Civilian Practice. AMMA Conference, 21-23 October 2011, Melbourne.
Curtis K. Invited speaker: Westmead Hospital Trauma Nursing Symposium. The future of trauma nursing in Australia. October 20th, Sydney 201
Langcake M (2011). From Sawbones to Saviours - A History of Civil War Surgery. Uniformed University of the Health Sciences Annual Trauma Day, 25 August 2011, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Curtis K. Invited speaker: Swan X1X Trauma Conference. Money well spent? Costing trauma in NSW and Expert Case Panel. July 29th-30th 2011, Sydney
Langcake M (2011). Debate - Trauma Surgeons - An Endangered Species - Affirmative Team. RACS Annual Scientific Congress, 4-6 May 2011, Adelaide.
Langcake M (2011). Surgery in a Theatre of Operations. UNSW Surgical Society Grand Rounds, 11 May 2011, Sydney.
Curtis K Keynote Speaker, Trauma 2010 (National Trauma Research Institute & Australasian Trauma Society), 20th November 2010, Melbourne
Asha S, Grant N, Curtis K, Smart R & Compagnoni (2010). Comparison of radiation exposure of trauma patients from diagnostic radiology procedures before and after the introduction of a 'panscan' protocol. Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, 27th Annual Scientific Meeting. 21-25 November, Canberra.
Macaranas M, Curtis K, Chung A, Mitchell R, Langcake M (2010). Incidence, Management and Outcome of hypothermia in trauma patients: The experience of a level 1 trauma centre. Trauma 2010 (National Trauma Research Institute & Australasian Trauma Society), 20th November 2010, Melbourne
Langcake M Invited Speaker, Surgery in Afghanistan. Probus Club of East Hills November 2010, Sydney
Curtis K Invited speaker, Closing the Divide: Scholarly research and clinical practice. 8th International Conference for Emergency Nurses. 14-16th October 2010, Canberra
Langcake M Invited speaker, Afghanistan - was I ready for that? Australian Military Medical Association October 2010, Canberra
Langcake M Invited speaker, Military trauma care and civilians St George Division of General Practice AGM October 2010, Sydney
Curtis K Keynote speaker, Annual Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Symposium, 11-15th October 2010, Brisbane
Langcake M Invited speaker, Penetrating thoracic trauma, Massive transfusion. Trauma up the Coast, September 2010, Ettalong
Cook A Invited speaker, Trauma up the Coast, September 2010, Ettalong Langcake & Estell: Submitted paper - Improving the trauma patient journey through the hospital system Improving the Health Care Experience Conference, September 2010 Sydney.
Langcake M Being a woman in surgery. UNSW Women in Surgery Evening September 2010, Sydney.
Langcake M Invited speaker, Injury - Triage systems - what are they and do they work? Acute surgical units - the Australian experience, The relevance of military trauma care to civilian practice. Auckland, August 2010
Langcake M SWAN Trauma Conference. Submitted paper -From sawbones to saviours - a history of Civil War surgery. Invited speaker - Diagnosing hollow visceral injuries reliably. July 29th 2010, Sydney
Curtis K Keynote speaker, Hawaiian Islands Trauma Symposium, July 24/25th 2010, Honolulu
Langcake & Curtis Invited speakers/Panel member. NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management Trauma education evening in South East Sydney Illawarra Health, July 6th, 2010, Sydney
Curtis K Invited speaker, Indian Council of Medical Research Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India & The George Institute and The University of Sydney Workshop on Road traffic injuries. 28 – 30 June, 2010, The George Institute, Sydney
Cook A Invited Speaker, ACCCN ICE Conference, Airway Emergencies and Trauma, May 2010, Brighton Le Sands, Sydney
Langcake M Invited speaker, RACS Annual Scientific Congress. Topics - Afghanistan was I ready for that and Leaders in our healthcare services - how do we train them? May 2010, Perth, Western Australia.
Cook A Invited Speaker, AUSTRAUMA, Invited Speaker, Dealing with Difficult Doctors, Feb 2010, Sydney.
Curtis K Invited speaker, The great debate – the future of Emergency Nursing. 7th International Conference for Emergency Nursing. CENA. October 7-10 2009, Gold Coast, Queensland
TY Pang, KT Thai, T Rankin, K Curtis E, Schilter, AS McIntosh (2009) Risk of head and neck injury in pedal and motor cycle crashes in relation to helmet use. Road Safety Research, Education and Policing Conference, 10 - 13 November 2009, Sydney Convention Centre Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Curtis K (2009) The cost of trauma in NSW. Emerging Health Policy Research Annual Conference 18th August 2009, University of Sydney
Langcake M (2009) Invited Speaker, Trauma down the Coast Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Novotel Wollongong 1st May 2009
Rana A (2009) Invited Speaker Trauma in ICU, Trauma down the Coast Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Novotel Wollongong 1st May 2009
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2009) Chest Trauma Management at the Urban Trauma Centre, Trauma Down the Coast, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Novotel Wollongong, April 30 – May 1 2009
Tan S.: Traumatic Brain Injury in Polytrauma. Trauma Down the Coast. NSW ITIM Wollongong. 1 May 2009
Curtis K, Rana A, Cook A, Rankin T, Olivier J & Nau T (2009) Evaluation of a tiered trauma system in an Australian Level 1 Trauma Centre. Trauma 2009, Combined Australasian Trauma Society and Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland Convention Centre, Auckland, New Zealand March 5-7 2009
Frydenberg E, Curtis K, Chong S, Poulos R & Nau T (2009) The profile, incidence and outcomes of head injuries in pedestrians. Trauma 2009, Auckland, New Zealand March 5-7 2009
Curtis K, Fraser M, Rankin T, Watson W & Nau T (2009) Injury risk among older persons – an injury prevention initiative (2009) Trauma 2009, Auckland, New Zealand March 5-7 2009
Rana A, Curtis K, Ling M & Nau T (2009) Non operative management of high grade splenic injury: review of factors leading to high spleen salvage rate in a level 1 trauma Centre. Trauma 2009, Auckland, New Zealand March 5-7 2009
Tan S, Rana A, Nau T: Patient Controlled Analgesia in Trauma: A Seven-Year Retrospective Analysis in a Level 1 Metropolitan Trauma Centre. Proceedings of Combined Australasian Trauma Society & Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting. Auckland 2009: 67
Tan S, Rana A, Nau T: Prevalence of Patient Controlled Analgesia in Trauma: A Seven-Year Retrospective Analysis in a Level 1 Metropolitan Trauma Centre. Proceedings of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery Conference 12 February 2009.
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2009) Trauma Training Updates, Austrauma 2009, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre – Darling Harbour, Sydney, 12-14th February 2009
Curtis K, Critical Aspects of trauma nursing care. ANZICS/ACCCN. Asia Pacific Critical Care Congress. October 30th 2008, Sydney
Cook A, (2008) Area Trauma Coordinators – The Missing Link, 3rd National Conference for Emergency Nurses, College of Emergency Nursing Australasia, Sheraton Hotel, Perth, 27-30th August 2008
Cook A, (2008) Chicken vs. the Egg – What comes first? – A Trauma Case Study, Rural Critical Care Conference, Critical Care Services NSW, Soldiers Club, Batemens Bay, August 22-23rd 2008
Curtis K., Dickson, C., Black, D., & Nau, T. (2008). Can trauma be cost effective? Austrauma 2008, February 15-16, Sydney
A.Rana, P.Grove, S.Hutchinson, T.Nau, Role of laparoscopy in abdominal trauma, AUSTRAUMA 2008, Sydney Convention centre, International Trauma conference of RACS Trauma
Cook A, (2008) Chicken vs. the Egg – What comes first? – A Trauma Case Study, Rural Critical Care Conference, Critical Care Services NSW, Soldiers Club, Batemens Bay, August 22-23rd 2008
Curtis, K. & Donoghue, J. (2007). Progress and Profile of the Australia/NZ trauma coordinator. Trauma 2007, October 13-15, Melbourne
Curtis, K., Dickson, C., & Nau, T. (2007). Can trauma be cost effective? Trauma 2007, October 13-15, Melbourne
Rana A (2007) Role of laparoscopy in penetrating abdominal trauma . Has pendulum swung too far? Australasian Trauma association annual conference, Trauma 2007, October 13-15, Melbourne
T Nau, E Pflegerl, J Erhart, V Vecsei. Primary Knee Replacement in Periarticular Fractures. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting – Australian Orthopaedic Association. Gold Coast, Australia, October 2007
Cook A, (2007) Head Injury Management and Trauma Case Studies, Care of the Critically Ill Patient, NECSS Conference, Soldiers Club, Batemans Bay, September 5-6th 2007
T Nau. Penetrating Torso Trauma. Trauma in the Mountains, Blue Mountains, September 2007
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2007) Acute Spinal Management, Rural Trauma Education Seminar – Wagga, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, September 23rd 2007
Cook A, (2007) The Eye of a Storm – A Trauma Case Study, Rural Critical Care Conference, Critical Care Services NSW, Ballina RSL, August 24-25th 2007
T Nau. Fracture Clavicle – come on let's operate. SWAN XV, Sydney, July 2007
T Nau, E Pflegerl, J Erhart, V Vecsei. Primary Knee Replacement in Periarticular Fractures. EFFORT 2007, Florence, May 2007
T Nau. Management of Hemodynamically Unstable Patients with Pelvic Ring Fractures. Rural Trauma Day, Wagga Wagga, May 2007
Curtis K, Trauma Case Management. 8th International Trauma Care Conference, Park Inn, Telford, England. 4-8 June, 2007.
Curtis K, Trauma Case Management and discussion panel member. London Trauma Conference, London, England. June 15, 2007
T Nau. What is Damage Control Surgery. Trauma by the Bay, Sydney, April 2007
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2007) Head Injury Management, Trauma by the Bay II - Brighton, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Novotel Brighton, April 4th 2007
T Nau. Pelvic Injuries. Trauma by the Bay, Sydney, April 2007
T Nau. Postero-lateral rotatory knee stability. Frontiers in Sports Medicine 2007, Sydney, March 2007
T Nau. Management of Hemodynamically Unstable Patients with Pelvic Ring Fractures. Rural Trauma Day, Aubury, September 2006
Nau T: Biomechanical Comparison of different surgical techniques of posterolateral corner reconstruction in an isolated injury model. October 10th 2006. Australian and New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Combined Scientific Meeting. Canberra
Nau, T. Whole-Body Multislice CT-Scanning as Primary Imaging Tool in the Emergency Management of Severe Trauma. Trauma 2006. Joint meeting of Australasian Trauma Society and EMST. Goldcoast. September 2006.
Nau, T, Fraser, M, Grove, P. Surgical Workload Distribution in a Multidisciplinary Setting of a Typical Australian Metropolitan Trauma Centre. Poster Presentation Trauma 2006. Joint meeting of Australasian Trauma Society and EMST. Goldcoast. September 2006.
Ursic C, Zou Y, Curtis K. Improved Outcomes after Trauma Service Implementation in an Urban Australian Trauma Centre. Trauma 2006. Joint meeting of Australasian Trauma Society and EMST. Goldcoast. September 2006.
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2006) Trauma Case Study, Trauma on the Coast – The Entrance, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Citigate Sebel at The Entrance, June 15-16th 2006
Fraser M. Invited speakers: Australian Orthopaedic Nurses Association Conference 2006. ParkRoyal Hotel, Parramatta.
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2005) Head Injury Management, Trauma by the Bay - Brighton, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Novotel Brighton, September 23rd 2005
Curtis K South East Sydney and Illawarra Area Health Service Nursing & Midwifery Conference, Northbeach Novotel – Wollongong, 20th May 2005
Ursic C & Curtis K Invited speakers: Australian Orthopaedic Nurses Association Conference 2005. March 11th, Brighton Le Sands, Sydney
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2005) Head Injury Management, Rural Trauma Education Seminar – Orange, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Bloomfield Hospital, Orange, November 6th 2005
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2005) Head Injury Management, Rural Trauma Education Seminar – Deniliquin, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Deniliquin RSL, 19th March 2005
Ursic C Invited Speaker: TraumaCare 2004, Does a trauma surgeon in the ER make a difference? Joint meeting of Australasian Trauma Society and International Trauma and Critical Care Society. October 2004 Darling Harbour
Curtis K Invited Speaker: TraumaCare 2004, Innovations in Trauma Case Management. Joint meeting of Australasian Trauma Society and International Trauma and Critical Care Society. October 2004 Darling Harbour
Curtis K Invited speaker: NSW Trauma Research Seminar hosted by the NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management. 31st August 2004, Northern Sydney Education Centre.
Ursic C & Curtis K: Keynote speakers: Injury: New Zealand National Trauma Conference, Auckland, 5-6th August 2004
Curtis K: "The Implementation, Impact and Evaluation of Trauma Case Management". 7th Annual CMSA Conference held at Le Meridien at Rialto in on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 February, 2004. The theme for the Conference was Case Management: Fad or Future?
Cook A Invited Speaker, (2004) Head Injury Management, Rural Trauma Education Seminar – Merimbula, Institute of Trauma and Injury Management, Merimbula RSL, November 6th 2004
Curtis K, Nocera N, Mitten-Lewis S, Donoghue J Poster Presentation: 12th Annual International Swan Trauma Conference. Liverpool Hospital July 30-31 2003. "The Australian Trauma Coordinator – Role definition for the first time"
Nocera N, Curtis K, Mitten-Lewis S, Donoghue J. "The Australian Trauma Coordinator – who, what and where?" Australasian Trauma Society Annual Scientific Meeting. October 23-24 Adelaide 2003
Curtis K, Keynote speaker: Canadian National Emergency Nurses Conference Regina, Saskatchewan 3-4th May 2003.
2002 and earlier
Curtis K, Din R, Chan A, Morris R. "Reducing the time to clear the Cervical Spine of Trauma Patients in the Emergency Department":10th Annual International Swan Trauma Conference. Liverpool Hospital 3rd August 2002.
Curtis K Invited speaker. Early Management of Severe Trauma "Trauma 2002" International Conference Fremantle, Western Australia March 2002.
Curtis K. "The impact of Trauma Case Management on a Tertiary Referral Centre":10th Nursing Practice Conference. November 23-24, The Hilton Hotel, Adelaide.
Curtis K "Impact of Trauma Case Management in a Tertiary Trauma Centre – A pilot study":"Emergency Nursing Odyssey", 3rd International Conference for Emergency Nursing, 25th – 27th October 2001, Wollongong, NSW.
Curtis K, Bollard L & Dickson C. "Episode Funding, Coding and Trauma":9th Annual International Swan Trauma Conference. Liverpool Hospital 4th August 2001.
Harris I & Curtis K "Case Presentation: Pelvic Trauma" The Australian Orthopaedic Association – Continuing Orthopaedic education in Trauma. 9th September 2001, Wentworth Hotel
Curtis K, Lien D, Grove P & Chan A "Trauma Case Management: Impact on a Tertiary Referral Centre" Presentation at Trauma 2001 conference, Darling Harbour. Trauma Association of Canada and The Australasian Trauma Society, March 2001
Macken L, Grove P & Curtis K "The adult hypotensive blunt trauma patient: Urgent torso operative intervention or urgent head CT Scan?" The 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine. November 1999, Auckland.
Conference Papers
Ogilvie R, Foster K, McCloughen A & Curtis K. Surviving traumatic physical injury: a systematic synthesis of current knowledge. 15th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery & 2nd World Trauma Congress, May 24-27th, 2014, Frankfurt, Germany
Curtis K, Mitchell R, Lam M, Dickson C. Activity-based funding and hospitalised trauma: is reimbursement for trauma treatment costs adequate? International Health Data Linkage Conference. Vancouver, Canada 28-30th April 2014
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Model of Trauma co-ordination – it there a right way?
15th International Trauma Care Conference. Telford, England 23rd - 28th March 2014.
Crouch R, Palfrey R, McHale H, Curtis K. Trauma Nurse Coordinators in England, Major Trauma Coordinator National Conference, Salford, England, 25th November 2013
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. Incidence and outcomes of major traumatic injury in the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting (CHARM). 20-23rd August 2013.
Kennedy B, Curtis K, Waters D. The Personality Characteristics of Emergency Nurses. International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 9-12 October 2013, Melbourne
Ogilvie R, Curtis K, Palmer C, Lam M, McCloughen A, Foster K. Incidence and outcomes of major traumatic injury in the Australian Capital Territory. International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 9-12 October 2013, Melbourne
Mitchell R, Curtis K et al. Acute care costs and predictors of higher treatment costs for major paediatric trauma in NSW. 11th Australasian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference, 11-13 Nov 2013 Fremantle, Western Australia.
Chan D, Curtis K, et al. The injury profile and acute treatment costs of major trauma in older people in New South Wales" E-Poster Presentation. Trauma Surgery Section of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, 6 – 10 May 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.
Wiseman T, Curtis K & Foster K. The incidence of depression, anxiety and stress (DAS) in trauma patients during hospital admission and 3 months post injury. Queensland Trauma Symposium 2013, 22nd February 2013, Brisbane