Useful Information
Nutrition Care For Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer is devastating and overwhelming. It can impact on so many different aspsects of your life, including your diet and nutrition wellbeing.
Your nutritional state is very important and we know that good nutrition helps you cope better with your treatment (side effects and recovery). It also helps your immune system which is important to help you fight infection. Keeping a healthy weight also ensures you stay as strong as possible and feel better in yourself - even when you are not having treatment.
You may wish to speak to the dietitian to discuss management of potential side effects of treatment by surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. A dietitian can also help assess your current intake and advise on the need for any alterations or can help you plan a diet to help keep you from losing an inappropriate amount of weight.
Dietary information is available on our website but you should consult with our dietitian if you have any concerns. Click here for information.
Your doctor or chemotherapy nurse can refer you to the dietitian.
Cancer Research
The gynaecological cancer centre maintains a database, which contains information on each patient’s disease and the treatments given. This data is used by the doctors of the unit for clinical research and review. At no time are patients personally identified in these studies. You may be asked to sign a consent form allowing us to use your information.
Research into Gynaecological Cancer
In addition to the clinical research relating to treatment of all gynaecological cancers, our centre has collaborations with the Garvan Institute for Medical Research and with the Lowy Cancer Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. Both laboratories are conducting research, aimed primarily at developing a blood test, which can be used to screen healthy women for ovarian cancer.
Funding for all of this research comes partly from government agencies, partly from the Gynaecological Oncology (GO) Research Fund of The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation and partly from other charitable foundations.