Childbirth and Parenting Education

The Royal Hospital for Women (RHW) Health Education Centre offers a range of programs to support families. 

If you would like to contact us with any questions / feedback, please email:

  • A midwife will meet you at the entrance of the hospital (by Life Grain) and take you on a tour of the facilities and process here at The RHW for when you are birthing your baby.
  • It is a strict 30 minute session that will commence promptly at 1600hrs.
  • The tour will enable you and your partner to become orientated with our services. The midwife will show you the different rooms in our Birth Centre and Birth Unit.
  • The tour will also talk through the operating theatre, postnatal ward, antenatal ward and the neonatal special care unit.
  • Tours will always go ahead. If the birthing rooms are not available, instead, time will be spent discussing the birthing environment and our facilities available.

Our Breastfeeding Information Session is held on a Thursday morning 10.30 am-12 md or on the first Tuesday of each month 7-8.30 pm. This session covers preparation for breastfeeding, and how the mother and baby will respond to breastfeeding in the immediate postnatal period. It is recommended that this class be attended at around 28 weeks of pregnancy and partners are welcome to attend.

Cost and how to book

Cost: Free for women attending RHW      For non-RHW women: $35.00

Book online:

Calmbirth® is Australia’s leading, evidence based and holistic antenatal program that has educated over 45,000 couples since its inception in 2004 with over 100 Educators across Australia and New Zealand.  

Calmbirth® prepares you emotionally, mentally, and physically for birth. It takes a very holistic and evidence-based approach to our Education with the fundamental underpinning of the Program being the Mind-Body-Birth Connection. Through immersive techniques and guided relaxations, it helps couples release fear and embrace a positive and empowering mindset. 

We recommend that you attend the program at approximately 24-30 weeks of pregnancy.

Cost and how to book

Cost: $550.00 per couple.

Book and pay online to secure your place:

If you are interested in a one-day Calmbirth® refresher course, please email:

The Birth and Transition to Parenthood program aims to equip those birthing (or supporting the birthing person) to birth at The Royal Hospital for Women (RHW).

An experienced RHW midwife facilitates this program. It has been structured around evidence-based content to provide participants with the skills and confidence to embrace their journey to birth and the transition to parenting.

Ideally this program should be commenced between 26 – 30 weeks gestation (but depends on the participants choice). It is open to those expecting their first baby, subsequent baby, more than one baby. Your partner / support person is encouraged to attend each session with you.

Over 5 weeknight sessions, the content of this program will include:

  • Labour and birth  
  • Understanding and practice of freedom of movement in labour and birth
  • Relaxation and breathing practice
  • Pain relief options for labour and birth
  • Water birth
  • Intervention in labour and birth
  • Caesarean birth
  • Baby cares including feeding
  • Postnatal support and wellbeing

Cost: $299

Day and time: Wednesday’s 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Book online:

“Are you 30 weeks pregnant and starting to think about life with baby?

This interactive class is for women 30 weeks or more pregnant. This 2-hour class will cover topics such as emotional health, relationship changes, changing identity when becoming a mother, how to build your village and loving your new body.

Facilitated by a postnatal midwife you will meet some new mums and learn new strategies for supporting early parenting.

Held at the Level 3 Tutorial Room RHW 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm. Tea and coffee provided. Book online:”                   Cost: Free

Becoming a mother is a time of great change, Motherhood Myths and Challenges is a women only program to look at the myths surrounding motherhood and provide the opportunity to learn new skills to meet the challenges ahead. This program provides introduction to mindfulness, relaxation techniques, self-care and positive thought patterns in a relaxed and friendly environment. The aim of this program is for participants to feel prepared for the journey ahead. This program has 4 evening sessions held weekly, with partners welcome to attend the 4th session.

We recommend that you start the program after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Places are limited so book early.

Cost and how to book

Cost: $80.00

Book and pay online:

Concession available if referred by a Midwife, Psychologist or Social Worker.

BAM – Becoming Amazing Mums is a specialised program for women who have experienced adverse events in childhood - including emotional, physical or sexual abuse. BAM does not dwell on the past – the focus is on creating a positive future by supporting participants to rise above past adversity and become the mums they choose to be and effectively managing any negative influences from past Health Education March 2023 events. The program provides an opportunity to develop communication skills; enhance bonding and attachment with baby; learn mindfulness and relaxation; and discuss ways to foster self-care. There are 6 evening sessions during pregnancy and a further 6 daytime sessions when participants come along with baby. The facilitator likes to meet each participant individually before the program to provide an opportunity to talk about the program and answer questions.

Cost and how to book

Book online:

Cost: Free

Diagnosed with or at risk of gestational diabetes?

Physiotherapy and exercise can help you!  Follow the link:

Gestational Diabetes GYM

EMBODY pregnancy is a group physiotherapy program, designed by the expert team of women's health physios at RHW. All women having a baby at The Royal are invited to register and attend. The sessions are held at 12 md and are virtual lasting 30 minutes. We understand not all women have the flexibility to attend while at work, so we encourage you to treat these sessions like appointments. We can provide appointment certification for your employer if needed. Once you register, you will be sent the log in details for the Microsoft Teams Webinar event - simply follow the link and enter the invitation code to join. EMBODY and physiotherapy are covered by Medicare. If you are Medicare ineligible, you can attend EMBODY free of charge.

Similar to seeing a physiotherapist 1:1, we suggest you wear comfortable clothing and tune in from an environment where you can move around. Your physiotherapist will guide you through movement, pelvic floor exercises and key health information to boost your pregnancy health. EMBODY has been designed for all women regardless of health or fitness level. Attending EMBODY weekly will help you gradually build strength and fitness as your pregnancy progresses. 

How do I register for program 2 and 3?  Your EMBODY physiotherapist will give you these details in program 1. We don't recommend registering in advance as the programs continually roll over. You can always check back on the website at the end of each program to register for the next or contact us at

Program 1 - early pregnancy (up to 20 weeks) 

This program runs every Monday at 12pm midday, except for public holidays.  We recommend completing 4-12 sessions in program 1 up to 20 weeks of pregnancy especially if you are having your first baby. You will receive a tailored pelvic floor program to start your pregnancy and find simple strategies to manage fatigue and improve your health in pregnancy. Register here!

Program 2 - mid pregnancy (between 20-30 weeks) 

Program 2 runs every Tuesday at 12pm midday except for public holidays. Program 2 keeps you active in pregnancy to make your last trimester more comfortable. You'll receive leading physiotherapy guidance to prevent and get on top of tricky pregnancy symptoms like pelvic girdle pain and incontinence. If you missed Program 1, don't worry! We keep the focus on pelvic floor muscle training across the 3 programs so you will have the chance to revive your pelvic floor program or be instructed for the first time. We recommend attending 4-8 sessions in program 2, through the middle of your pregnancy. If you are between 20-30 weeks pregnant, you can Register here! for program 2. 

Program 3 - late pregnancy (from 30 weeks) 

Program 3 runs every Thursday at 12pm midday except for public holidays. Our final pregnancy program is all about birth preparation and setting up your recovery after birth. Build consistency in your pelvic floor muscle preparation, skills for labour and strategies to improve sleep, stress, aches and pains. We recommend attending 6-8 sessions in program 3, up until you have your baby. If you are more than 30 weeks pregnant, register here! for program 3.


EMBODY after birth is a group physiotherapy program, designed by the expert team of women's health physios at RHW. All women having a baby at The Royal are invited to register for this 3-part series at key milestones in the recovery after childbirth.  We recommend you attend between 1-4 sessions of each program to maximise the benefits of this evidence-based physiotherapy program. All babies are welcome and make for great training companions! Your physiotherapist will give you options for participating with sleeping, feeding and unsettled babies at the beginning of each session. Once you register, you will be sent the log in details for the Microsoft Teams Webinar event. Simply follow the link and enter the invitation code to join. EMBODY and physiotherapy is covered by Medicare for women who had their baby at The Royal. If you are Medicare ineligible, you can attend EMBODY free of charge. If you need to see a physiotherapist face-to-face, there is a charge if you don't have Medicare.

Similar to seeing a physiotherapist 1:1, we suggest you wear comfortable clothing and tune in from an environment where you can move around. EMBODY has been designed for all women regardless of health or fitness level. Attending EMBODY weekly will help you gradually build strength and fitness.

Your EMBODY physiotherapist will give you these details in program 1. We don't recommend registering in advance as the programs continually roll over. You can always check back on the website at the end of each program to register for the next or contact us at

Program 1 - early recovery (0-6 weeks after birth)

This program of 4 sessions covers top tips for making a full and quick recovery. It runs every Monday at 1130 am, except for public holidays. We recommend completing 4 sessions in program 1 within the first 6 weeks after birth, especially if you had your first baby. You will leave with a tailored PFMT program to start your recovery and find simple strategies to manage pain and pelvic floor symptoms. Each session involves both movement and pelvic floor exercise and has a topic focus: 

  • Session 1- individual pelvic floor muscle training program 
  • Session 2 -getting active 
  • Session 3 - common symptoms after childbirth 
  • Session 4 - healing wounds                                                               To attend program 1, Register here!

Program 2 - the 6-week check (6-12 weeks after birth)

Program 2 builds on your movement and pelvic floor exercise across 4 sessions. It runs every Tuesday at 1130 am except for public holidays. You'll receive leading physiotherapy guidance about returning to exercise, returning to sex and pelvic floor symptoms. We recommend attending 2-4 sessions in program 2, at the time of your GP 6-week check. Your pelvic floor exercises will be progressed and you will be confident to exercise, returning to your pre-pregnancy exercise routine

  • Session 1 - retraining bladder habits 
  • Session 2 - returning to sex 
  • Session 3 - pain in the butt 
  • Session 4 - running & jumping & my pelvic floor                            To attend program 2, Register here!

Program 3 - chasing active (12+ weeks after birth)

Program 3 will help your pelvic floor handle the many different challenges that motherhood will throw at you. It runs every Thursday at 1130 am except for public holidays. We recommend attending 3-4 sessions in program 3 anytime after your baby is 3 months old. If you are experiencing pelvic floor symptoms, 6-8 sessions are ideal. If you are still experiencing symptoms this final program is for you! You will have access to pelvic floor screening and 1:1 physiotherapy if you need it as you attend these final sessions

  • Session 1 - incontinence
  • Session 2 - vaginal symptoms 
  • Session 3 - returning to running
  • Session 4 - planning next pregnancy                                          To attend program 3, Register here!


CPR Kids, in conjunction with The Royal, brings you the perfect 3-hour course to empower you on CPR and the most common first aid situations affecting babies and children. In addition, you will learn how to respond to the most common first aid situations affecting young children, such as: choking, burns, head injury and more. With ample hands-on practice with baby & child manikins, this class will leave you feeling confident to manage an emergency situation with your child.

For more information visit the CPR Kids website or contact CPR Kids on 1300 543 727 or via

For class availability and to book and pay online:

Cost: $99 GST inclusive per participant.

Who can attend this class?

  • Pregnant women and couples
  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Friends
  • Families
  • Anyone who cares for babies and children Topics covered include
  • CPR for babies and children
  • Drowning response for babies and children
  • Choking
  • Burns
  • Head injuries
  • Poisons
  • Fever and Febrile convulsions

Additional post-class online learning:

  • Limb injuries
  • Bites & stings
  • Allergic reactions

All participants receive:

  • CPR Kids e-guide which covers all the topics learned in class plus many more first aid situations
  • Poster covering first aid scenarios and CPR flowchart
  • Fridge postcard overview of DRSABCD, other first aid and important phone numbers
  • Access to the YouTube channel, CPR Kids TV, so participants can refresh their knowledge anytime
  • A Certificate of Attendance is sent to all participants after their class.

* Please note there is a cost involved for this service which may be covered by some health funds.