Drug and Alcohol Services
Our goal is to improve health, wellness and lives for everyone affected by substance use.
What We Do
The South East Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) Drug and Alcohol Services offer treatment and support for people struggling with all substances, like alcohol, cannabis, stimulants, heroin, and prescription medications (e.g., opioids, benzodiazepines). We do not provide assistance for nicotine on its own; please contact QuitLine for that purpose.
Where to Find Us
Our services are available at the following places:
- The Langton Centre (Surry Hills)
- St George Hospital (Kogarah)
- Caringbah Community Health Centre at Sutherland Hospital (Caringbah)
Hospital Services
- Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital (Sydney)
- Prince of Wales Hospital (Randwick)
- St. George Hospital (Kogarah)
- Sutherland Hospital (Caringbah)
We also offer outreach services across South East Sydney and virtual care choices like video or phone meetings.
How to Access Our Services
- Call our central intake line on 1300 001 258 or visit one of our clinics.
- If referring someone else (e.g., a GP referring a patient), the person seeking help must speak directly with intake staff. NSW Health clinicians can call on behalf of a patient. There is no referral form.
Intake takes a brief history (e.g. personal details, substance use, medical and social circumstances). They then make an appointment , or provide referrals.
Our Services
Withdrawal Support
We help clients with the early stages of reducing or stopping substance use. Both community-based and hospital withdrawal services are available depending on how bad the withdrawal is, health needs, support systems, and preferences. Sudden withdrawal from alcohol or GHB can be dangerous; we provide medical advice and help as needed.
Counselling and Support Services
We offer individual and group counselling programs in person, via video, or over the phone. These programs help clients work toward their goals.
There is a drop-in counselling service at each of the sites which does not need an appointment. Clients do not need to have called intake before dropping in.
- Langton Centre (Surry Hills) - Tuesdays 9:00am to 12:00pm
- St George Hospital (Kogarah) - Tuesdays 9:00am to 12:00pm
- Sutherland Hospital (Caringbah) - Tuesdays 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Medicine can support clients to reduce substance use when put together with counselling. Common medicines include:
- Medicines for reducing alcohol (e.g. naltrexone, disulfiram)
- Support for benzodiazepine or cannabis use
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)
This program gives medicines (e.g. methadone, buprenorphine), case management, and counselling for people who are dependent on all opioids. OTP clinics are found at:
- The Langton Centre (Surry Hills)
- St. George Hospital (Kogarah)
- Sutherland Hospital (Caringbah)
We also work closely with GPs and pharmacists in the community.
Hospital-based Services
People attending SESLHD hospitals can access:
- Drug and Alcohol Consultation Liaison Services
- Addiction Medicine Outpatient Clinics
- Inpatient admissions at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital and St George Hospital
Specialist programs
Substance Use in Pregnancy and Parenting Service (SUPPS)
SUPPS supports women with substance issues during pregnancy and after birth. The service is linked with pregnancy services at The Royal Women’s Hospital, St George Hospital, and The Sutherland Hospital. SUPPS offers follow-up for babies needing treatment for 'neonatal abstinence syndrome'.
Court Diversion Programs
These provide help for clients involved with the criminal justice system. Programs include MERIT and Sydney Drug Court.
Psychiatric Co-Morbidity Clinics
For people with both mental health and substance use problems. The team works closely with mental health services.
Needle and Syringe Services
All sites have injecting equipment, health promotion and harm reduction services.
Assertive Community Management Team (ACM)
ACM offers intensive case management, outreach support, and specialist services for clients with lots of issues, who find it hard to engage in treatment.
Our Values
Our services are guided by SESLHD's CORE values
- Collaboration
- Openness
- Respect
- Empowerment
We work with clients to create personalised treatment plans that may involve other health or welfare services.
Confidentiality is a priority. We operate within NSW Health confidentiality policies.
Consumer Participation
We employ Consumer Representatives - people with lived experience of addiction - to help improve client engagement and service delivery.
Multidisciplinary Specialist Workforce
Our services are provided by teams of specialist health professionals, including administrative staff, nurses, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, pharmacists and doctors.
Research and Evaluation
We are committed to improving our services through research approved by the SESLHD Human Research Ethics Committee. All studies follow informed consent principles.