Research studies involving human participants, human tissue or clinical data require ethical review in accordance with the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The 2023 updated National Statement is effective from 1 January 2024.
Required documents for ethics applications:
Each application to the SESLHD HREC or LNR Committee must include the following:
- Ethics Eligibility Checklist (new applications)
- Method of Payment Form (all new clinical trial applications and amendments to clinical trials) Please see the Forms and Templates page for protocol/PISCF etc templates.
Please note, in addition to ethical approval, you must apply for site governance approval prior to commencing your study.
Please also ensure you have consulted all key stakeholders regarding sign-off of project resources prior to submitting your application to REGIS.
HREC & LNR Committee Submission & Meeting Dates
Please see Committee Details and Meeting Dates tab.
Please note: We strongly advise that your study is peer reviewed prior to submission. Poor quality or incomplete applications may be delayed and miss the next meeting.
Weekly Q&A sessions
The Research Office hosts weekly Q&A drop in sessions which can be accessed here.
Every Tuesday 1.30pm-2.30 pm and Thursday, 11am-12pm