Health Professionals

Did you know?

In SESLHD, 9% of the population over the age of 15 years are carers, and over half of these carers are women (ABS, 2021). 

Many carers do not identify as such, but they are critical members of the care team who provide necessary support that the health system and patient rely on. 

What we do

The Carers Program:

  • leads the development of the SESLHD Carer Strategy and implements the NSW Health Recognition and Support for Carers Key Directions 2018-2020
  • facilitates understanding of carer needs and ways to address these needs, including through targeted research
  • builds capacity of the local health district through training and education to health professionals; and development of resources
  • supports carer-inclusive strategies, including working carers
  • promotes participation of carers in the design and delivery of services
  • improves systems to assist carers to access information, support and services
  • works with key stakeholders and partner organisations to support carers


There are a range of plans and resources which inform and support our work, including: