Translated resources
Find information in your language for being healthy and active for children and families.
Resources are available in different languages including the below.
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Dari
- Filipino
- Greek Italian
- Hindi
- Khmer
- Persian
- Punjabi
- Spanish
- Tamil
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Access healthy lifestyle fact sheets in different languages
- Turn off the screens and get active - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Tamil
- Get active each day - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Tamil
- Choose healthier snacks - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Tamil
- Eat more fruit and vegetables - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Tamil
- Choose water as a drink - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Tamil
- Fussy eating - Available in - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese
- Healthy at home - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dari, Korean, Persian, Turkish, Vietnamese
- Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (including serve sizes) - Available in Arabic, Dari, Filipino, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, Punjabi, Tamil, Turkish, Vietnamese
- Seek pregnancy care early - Available in Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dari, Korean, Turkish
Click here to access the above healthy lifestyle fact sheets.
The Translated healthy lifestyle fact sheets were developed by the Western Sydney Local Health District.
Is your child a “fussy eater”?
Fussy eating is difficult for many parents – you are not alone! Be patient and keep trying.
Find out how to make mealtime easier and make sure your child is getting all the nutrition they need.
Fussy eating is available in - Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese
Click here to access fussy eating fact sheet in your language.
This resource was developed by Sydney Local Health District.