SII Change & Innovation

Change and Innovation


The Change and Innovation Pillar is responsible for leading, managing and facilitating major project initiatives and high priority strategies to successfully deliver required outcomes. 

The Change and Innovation Pillar promotes and enables innovation and improvement throughout the organisation, building broad capability for change.


CI Training & Resources






Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) is ideal for staff leading a project as it will provide them with the knowledge, skills and structure to effectively manage change. It focuses on how to engage staff in the change, address and remove barriers that might prevent the change being implemented on time, on budget and with all objectives met.

After attending this workshop participants learn:

  • A proven, repeatable 10-step process for accelerating implementation
  • The difference between installation and implementation
  • Why sponsorship is the most critical factor for implementation success, and what leaders must do and say to provide effective sponsorship
  • Why your organisation will face resistance to change (positive or negative) and what you can do to manage it
  • How to improve communication and why communications alone will not be sufficient
  • Why managers and supervisors are integral to successful implementation
  • Key deliverables that should be part of implementation plans.

Who is the course for?

This 2 day workshop will provide staff with knowledge and skills to improve the success rate of their projects by overcoming personal and cultural barriers to change, in implementing change and improve the success rate of projects. The target audience includes:

  • Aspiring/emerging leaders
  • Staff who have acquired funding to implement ideas
  • Staff leading or anticipating a project
  • Front line and middle managers
  • Project management and team dynamics trained staff.

How to access the course

You can register for Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) 2 day workshop via My Health Learning, course code 101052286.

You can also complete a short online 2 hr course via My Health Learning, course code 213401914

To find out more information, please contact us via email on




Jumpstart Project Management

This full day workshop is ideal for staff leading a project and will provide them with the knowledge and skills to begin project management planning and understand and learn about the importance of team dynamics to facilitate change.

After attending this workshop participants will be able to increase their understanding in the key elements of project management including:

  • Project planning; aim, scope, time, budget, governance and structure, key stakeholders, communication plan, risks and issues
  • Document a project
  • Understanding their own social style and how to work best with other styles
  • Learn the role and focus of the facilitator and how to encourage group participation
  • Explore practice techniques to better manager people in a group setting.

Who is the course for?

This 8 hour workshop will target staff with no or limited exposure to project management theory and practice who will need to lead projects/change initiatives in the near future. The target audience includes:

  • Aspiring/emerging leaders
  • People who won funding to implement ideas
  • Staff leading or anticipating a project
  • Front line and middle managers
  • Accelerating Implementation Methodology trained staff.

How to access the course

You can register for Jump Start! An Introduction to Project Management via My Health Learning, course code 154553764

To find out more information, please contact us via email



SESLHD Clinical Redesign

What is clinical redesign?

A proven, structured, patient centred approach to continuously improve our healthcare processes, services and performance. It can be applied across all clinical and non clinical areas to; fix a problem, reduce waste, improve performance, increase efficiency and successfully implement solutions. The strong emphasis on project management, stakeholder engagement, communication and change management ensures sustainable change.

Redesign follows five phases and can include other improvement methods such as LEAN, Six Sigma, AIM, PDSA.

Redesign Method

The redesign team provide the following for SESLHD staff;

  • Project coaching, support and mentoring,

  • Tools to successfully complete each project phase,

  • Education and training on project and change management,

  • Facilitation i.e. patient journey mapping, value stream mapping (process mapping), focus group, brainstorming,

  • Links to other project leads and innovators locally and state wide,

  • Data analysis assistance,

  • Finding resources, and

  • Knowledge management.

Contact Us 


Redesign School

​The Centre for Healthcare Redesign (CHR) at the ACI offers the CHR Graduate Certificate (Grad Cert) Program - 20 weeks, followed by a 13 week Translation Research Unit with the University of Tasmania and Implementation and Evaluation

Information on the CHR Program at the CHR Grad Cert website HERE.    

The ACI lists all previous Centre for Healthcare Redesign projects from across the State HERE.


The Clinical Redesign team also provide:

  • ‘Jump Start! An Introduction to Project Management’ 1 day course which targets staff with limited or no experience to project management to provide an understanding of project management theory and to become familiar with tools that support the planning, implementation and conclusion of projects.
  • ‘Accelerating Implementation Methodology’ (AIM) 2 day course which targets staff looking to learn how to overcome the ‘people’ aspect of change management. 


Helpful links

Redesign – online learning with 7 modules in total available at My Health Learning - Course Code 202464685


New South Wales

Bureau of Health Information (BHI) - The Bureau of Health Information publish a range of reports and tools so government, the community and healthcare professionals can see how well the healthcare system is functioning, and where there are opportunities to improve.

ACI Innovation Exchange - The Innovation Exchange provides a collaborative place online to share and promote local innovation and improvement projects and resources.



The Model for Improvement

The Model for Improvement is an internationally recognised tool used to guide improvement work. The Model for Improvement provides a method for structuring an improvement project and is a simple yet powerful tool to accelerate improvement. To find out more information about the Model for Improvement click here

Quality Tools

There are several tools available to staff who are engaged in quality improvement. An overview of some of the more commonly used tools can be found here



Project Management Tools

Project Management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing and closing the work of the team to achieve specific goals within a defined time-frame. For SESLHD staff, you can find more information on project management tools via the intranet here.

Clinical Redesign Tools

Redesign is a methodology which can be applied across all clinical and non clinical areas. To find out more information on Clinical Redesign Tools and methodology click here

Ethical Considerations

Before undertaking a quality improvement activity staff need to determine if ethical review by the Human Research Ethics Committee is required. The need for review is based on identifying any ethical risks that the improvement work may pose to participants. More detailed information can be found on SESLHD Research website.